• Resolved jennjoanne


    Since the latest update, line breaks are being stripped out. I copied the “text” side of one of my Inserted Pages and pasted it into a post where that Inserted Pages information displays. Therefore I had that information displaying twice so I could compare – once in the post and once where Inserted Pages entered it into the post.
    The information in the post displays all of the page breaks perfectly. But the Inserted Pages information has the line breaks stripped out.

    I’d greatly appreciate your help in resolving this problem.


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  • Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    Version 2.2 is out now, please reopen this ticket if it does not fix your problem.

    Thread Starter jennjoanne


    The problem still exists after updating Insert Pages to Version 2.2

    An example of this can be found at the bottom of the following post:


    Thank you so much in advance for your help!

    Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    Hi Jen,

    In order for you to get “bottom of every post” content to not show up on inserted pages, we had to remove the_content filter from inserted pages. However, wpautop, the filter that converts line breaks to paragraph and break tags, also runs in the_content filter, which is why you’re not seeing your line breaks applied in html.

    I think you have a couple options to try:

    (1) remove the insert_pages_apply_the_content_filter filter to re-enable the_content to be applied to inserted pages. This will cause bottom of every post content to reappear under inserted pages, so you’ll need to look into ways to remove that filter from the_content (if it’s even possible).

    (2) Use a custom template. You won’t need the insert_pages_apply_the_content_filter filter to stop the_content from being applied to inserted pages (it only applies to excerpt, all, and content display types, not custom), and then in your custom template you can choose how to render the content. If you want to skip the_content filter (thus skipping bottom of every post), but then apply wpautop manually to create html line breaks and paragraphs, it would look something like this:
    echo wpautop( get_the_content() );

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