No, I’m gone try to be more clear, but as english is not my language :)…
[events_list category=10 limit=7 pagination=1]{is_future}#_LOCATIONNAME{/is_future}[/events_list] is the content of my “textarea” in one of my page in the back-office of WP.
This page is based on a template (supernetworking.php) in my theme folder.
My php template do two thing :
He pass the content to a function then show me the content :
The function is :
function replace_content($content) {
global $month;
$content = str_replace('[events_list', '[events_list month="'.$month.'" year="'.date("Y").'"', $content);
return $content;
By default, during the first load of the page the parameter “month” is the current month.
Now, the concrete case, is that I have an event but it’s a past one. So my criteria with the two parameters added by my function became [events_list month="3" year="2015" category=10 limit=7 pagination=1]
and find this past records.
But as there is a conditionnal added by {is_future} EM have nothing to send me back :)… Nor a record filtred by {is_future}
nor a message telling me that there is no event…
In fact the tag {is_future}
is not for filtering record it just here for displaying purpose.
I hope have been understandable :).
TIA for your help.