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  • The update runs well on half a dozen of my own sites so I’m pretty confident this problem is local to your install.

    Double check your settings (specifically Auto-lightbox image links), read through the troubleshooting section in the documentation, and if nothing else helps, post a link to your site.

    Actually, try to simply re-install the latest version. There was a mixup with the script files for the first 5 minutes after it went live.

    Same as here, after 1.4.6, lightbox stop working…
    In fact all my jQuery code stop working after install 1.4.6.

    In Firefox web console it says JQLBsettings.linktarget un define…

    I have had reinstall 1.4.6, still not working, so I downgrade to 1.4.5, all my code and lightbox working well.

    That string doesn’t occur in the source code anymore. Please re-download the latest release and try installing the plugin again.

    I had this issue but resolved it by clearing any cache plugins I had installed. I also use Cloudflare and it caches the website, so I cleared that and it worked again.

    Thanks for letting us know!

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