Problems with new update
I just made the update and i have some problems.
1. the last 2 articles don’t show the thumbnail (the post has thumb, becuase my index is working with thumbnails)
2. the last one article show my website description.
Are you using 1.6.0 or 1.6.1? If you’re using 1.6.0 try updating to 1.6.1. It might not fix it but at least it will help me narrow down where the problem is.
i’m using 1.6.1 ??
Do you have it set to save your results for you? If so, does it show the last update (in the posts area), as being recently, like since you updated to 1.6.1?
Yes, but now i unchecked. It doesn’t show the last update. Dunno what happened :/
Recheck save results and then visit your site. That will force it to re-save the data.
If that doesn’t work then I have something you can try if you’re familiar with editing files? I need to get some info to debug it that I can’t see.
Rechecked, but isn’t working. I’m ok with editing files. Just tell me what to do.
OK, open the file /wp-content/plugins/disqus-popular-posts/dpp.php and then look for line 114, should look like this:
foreach($sorted_results as $key=>$fields) {
and before that put in this:
Save that and refresh your site. You’ll get a whole bunch of code. Copy and paste that code here. Make sure you remove that line after and save it again to get rid of the code showing up.
Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [feed] => [identifiers] => Array ( [0] => 954 ) [dislikes] => 0 [likes] => 0 [message] => [id] => 623489885 [createdAt] => 2012-03-25T08:36:23 [category] => 1347630 [postsInInterval] => 1 [author] => 23234145 [userScore] => 0 [signedLink] => [isDeleted] => [raw_message] => [isClosed] => [link] => [slug] => samsung_galaxy_s2_primeste_astazi_update_ul_la_ics_de_data_aceasta_sigur [forum] => andronews [clean_title] => Samsung Galaxy S2 prime?te ast?zi update-ul la ICS, de data aceasta sigur [posts] => 171 [userSubscription] => [title] => Samsung Galaxy S2 prime?te ast?zi update-ul la ICS, de data aceasta sigur [highlightedPost] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [feed] => [identifiers] => Array ( [0] => 1092 ) [dislikes] => 0 [likes] => 0 [message] => [id] => 623489391 [createdAt] => 2012-03-25T08:35:23 [category] => 1347630 [postsInInterval] => 1 [author] => 23234145 [userScore] => 0 [signedLink] => [isDeleted] => [raw_message] => [isClosed] => [link] => [slug] => android_40_ics_pentru_galaxy_s2_succes_sau_dezamagire [forum] => andronews [clean_title] => Android 4.0 ICS pentru Galaxy S2, succes sau dezamagire? [posts] => 26 [userSubscription] => [title] => Android 4.0 ICS pentru Galaxy S2, succes sau dezamagire? [highlightedPost] => ) [0] => stdClass Object ( [feed] => [identifiers] => Array ( ) [dislikes] => 0 [likes] => 0 [message] => [id] => 3606797702 [createdAt] => 2015-03-18T19:39:59 [category] => 1347630 [postsInInterval] => 2 [author] => 23234145 [userScore] => 0 [signedLink] => [isDeleted] => [raw_message] => [isClosed] => [link] => [slug] => lg_g2_a_primit_update_ul_la_lollipop_502_neoficial_29 [forum] => andronews [clean_title] => LG G2 a primit update-ul la Lollipop 5.0.2 – neoficial [posts] => 2 [userSubscription] => [title] => LG G2 a primit update-ul la Lollipop 5.0.2 – neoficial [highlightedPost] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [feed] => [identifiers] => Array ( ) [dislikes] => 0 [likes] => 0 [message] => [id] => 3603371751 [createdAt] => 2015-03-17T17:20:02 [category] => 1347630 [postsInInterval] => 1 [author] => 23234145 [userScore] => 0 [signedLink] => [isDeleted] => [raw_message] => [isClosed] => [link] => [slug] => apple_va_oferi_cupoane_de_reduceri_celor_care_vor_renunta_la_android_in_favoarea_iphone_andronews_32 [forum] => andronews [clean_title] => Apple va oferi cupoane de reduceri celor care vor renun?a la Android ?n favoarea iPhone | AndroNews - Telefoane, Tablete, Aplicatii si Stiri Android [posts] => 1 [userSubscription] => [title] => Apple va oferi cupoane de reduceri celor care vor renun?a la Android ?n favoarea iPhone | AndroNews - Telefoane, Tablete, Aplicatii si Stiri Android [highlightedPost] => ) )
Thanks for that.
It’s what I thought. For some reason Disqus is not returning the ID of the last two articles. Without the ID the plugin can’t get the featured image to show.
I’m not sure why Disqus is not returning the post ID but I will see about updating my plugin to try another method to get the post ID when something like this happens.
Oh, i understand.
I think I’ve figured out a better way to get the post ID. I should hopefully have it fixed very soon.
I will make the update when it will be out. Thank you for your support!
No problem.
I just released 1.6.2 and that should fix your problem. Let me know how it goes.
Done the update! I have same problem but with wrong thumb :/
It’s progress I guess!
Try this. Open the dpp.php file and look for this on line 147:
$list .= '</div>'; # Close dpp_result
And under it put this:
unset($post_array, $post_id, $image);
It might not work but it’s hard to debug the problem when I don’t have the same issue :/
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