sry to asking you the same again..but i give you a full clarity on my ticket…
Actually we have different Authors in my site..Each author having some product pages like 10-15… For Each product i have some Avg Review rating.like 4.0 out of 5 …..what i need is i want to get the over all average review of products for a author …let us say..i have 3 product with avg rating like…4,5,4.5…the avg of these like (4+5+4.5)/3=4.5 is the overall review rating… i want to like this..that avg should be displyed below the author name…. like 4.5 is over all rating of author out of 5….
i hope u understand clear …..so pls tell me which plugin i should install or what code i can write in my site….
pls help me this time…its urgent…if we achieve this..we are going to launch our project ….