Thanks for your reply
No, I just did an UPDATE over the wp_options, replacing the old name with the new one. In this moment all the options of the theme were the originals, all were lost.
So, I tried to put again the old domain and didn’t work, the options were lost.
Then, I restored my database from a copy, the options came back, and I saved all the options of the theme. I did the UPDATE again and restored the option’s theme… and it works???
But I don’t understand this issue very well, the options were in wp_option, why an UPDATE is not supported?
I did this:
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE ( option_value, ‘olddomain.com.tmp.net’, ‘newdomain.com’ );
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE ( guid, ‘olddomain.com.mialias.net’, ‘newdomain.com’ );
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE ( post_content, ‘olddomain.com.mialias.net’, ‘newdomain.com’ );
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE ( meta_value, ‘olddomain.com.mialias.net’, ‘newdomain.com’ );