• kato801


    Hey hope everything is going well! Anyways I am having some major issues trying to get an email sent out to the admin/user after my quizzes have been taken. Also the stats page is not working, it will not show any quizzes that have been taken, nor does the plugin recognize that quizzes are being taken.. The stats page is 100% not working at all, basically. When I first got the plugin a few months ago, I took a quiz and everything was working fine, it showed up on the stats page and everything. But today nothing seems to be working? please help! I am going live tomorrow and need this to be a working feature! I will be on and off looking at the forums, also my website URL is https://www.freemotionacademy.com! Please anything will be helpful


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  • Greetings kato801:

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin! What happens when the user takes the quiz? Does the results page load correctly?

    Thread Starter kato801


    Hey Frank Corso:

    Ok so something really strange is happening. So I just took one of the other quizzes that I have up where I have not played around with the email settings, and on that quiz it seems everything is working correctly. But on the quizzes that I have changed settings in the Email tab, those quizzes are not working for the stats page, nor is the email getting sent out?

    The only settings I am changing is where you specify the amount correct, and the text to send if you fall in those parameters.

    That is really strange. I have not seen this bug before. What happens when you take the quiz that is not working? Does the results page still get shown at all?

    Thread Starter kato801


    All of the quizzes are working(to get into them & take them) after you take the exam I have the results page to go back to the home page. All that is working, but on the quizzes that I have changed some of the email settings the plugin is not recognizing that anyone even is taking the quiz(nothing is showing up on the results page & its not registering that someone took the quiz), nor does the emails work.

    Maybe Ill try to get rid of the parameters such as if you score 23/25 correct send this email to them, and try to just send the default email?

    When you say that you have the user go back to the home page, do you have custom code in the results page to do that or are you using the new redirect option?

    Thread Starter kato801


    just using the redirect button, and the URL

    Since you are not using the new redirect option, on a quiz that is having this issue, can you make sure there is nothing in the “Redirect URL” box not even spaces.

    For the emails, try to use just the default email for the users. If not, then try to use just the default email for the admin.

    Also, if you still have trouble. Try to temporarily de-activate all other plugins to ensure that it is not a plugin conflict.

    Thread Starter kato801


    alright cool I will keep you updated Frank, thanks for your time!

    Thread Starter kato801


    Hey Frank, so it seems when you add any parameters to the the email tab or the redirect URL, something is messing up the whole plugin. If you get this figured out, let me know

    I cannot duplicate this issue with my test site. What were the parameters that you used in your email tab and redirect URL when it wasn’t working? What were the parameters that you used that did work?

    I have the same issue as kato801. I have started a new thread though

    Just noting that I have the same issue. When using the Redirect (beta) the admin email alert after someone completing a survey no longer works.

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