• I have tried to do something with my site. It’s just not working, it’s not WP’s fault, it’s really mine as I have no skills in coding, I think that is perhaps where WP fails for me: it can’t help imbecilic bloggers like myself to be able to create nice looking site by just “clicking here and here” for example.
    I wanted a single or two column layout with a similair navigation bar to the one in WP or Matt’s Photos, an integrated gallery would good as well.
    One of the issues is when I make a post in a category, I don’t want it to automatically appear on the front, perhaps keeping it in the category of itself until clicked upon. I haven’t found it easy to add new things to the menu, I don’t honestly know how to go about it.
    I guess I’ve got to the point to raise my hands and say, “help! I don’t know anything and I can’t do anything”. I can read, but I just can’t get my head around half this stuff.
    If someone has the patience to help me in build or assist or guide me or anything, I would be grateful. I’m even willing to pay to get the site made, because I’m hopless at this.
    I have dabbled through WP Wiki but it’s all a bit too much jargon for me. Some things are explained, but I can’t ask questions to say, “ok that’s great, but what about this, and if I do this can I also do this?”. No documentation can fully explain the extent and flexability of software functionality – well it can, but it’s unreasonable to expect that, particularly with software that is opensource.
    Maybe in the future, WP will be easier to use, but for simple people it isn’t. It might be a case of “read this” and “read this”. It’s not that simple to say, move different bits to different areas (say, Calendar to the left, an about me (firstly how to create one and then how to link it) to the right.
    Well if someone can help, then great. If not, I will have to resort to using something else and bashing my head for being so retarded.
    Thanks in advance

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  • OK. First up lets see a uri so the guys can have a crack at it.

    I amin the same boat as Jinsan, my partner setup wordpress and said “have fun, play around, see what you think” well I have managed to get into the coding , change the colors of the site, even got into the database to add a new catagory, but it never showed up on the site…so how do I get my site to look like others, 2 column or 3 column with gifs on the header, etc. Help would be nice.
    Thank you all.

    start with a existing style:

    @cooperm: the url on your WP registration here is not your blog so we can’t see it.

    I mean to be supportive when I say that WP is not difficult to use in the slightest.
    What some people may possibly find difficult to do is to alter Wp to do what they want – but that is hardly a deficiency in the software. Things like changing the layout, even by copying a template do require a basic understanding of what is going on. But then so does everything.

    Thread Starter jinsan


    https://sekhu.net/word/index.php is the website
    As you can see I pretty useless at doing much. I managed to move the menu from right to left (woo hoo, you star!), I moved the page inwards on both side (cookie prize!) and tried to add the menu script from https://photomatt.net/scripts/intellimenu but as you can see I cocked that up badly. I don’t know why it’s at the bottom, I don’t know why it isn’t at the top, and I don’t know why they are just text links instead of being in boxes – I don’t actually know much about anything, but let’s put that aside for now.
    I am trying to motivate myself to get where I want with it, and I hope that will give you some clue as to what I’m trying to do at the moment, just to start the design. I will have an image on the header instead of how it is, and will get my friend to do that for me (he’s a graphics designer but won’t touch website code). I also can’t seem to get an image to show in the posts like here: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/graphicalcss/align/index.html again i followed the instructions the best I could but flopped.
    I added the style switcher and other styles, but they seem to use different tags, which just confuses me even more ??
    Thanks again for any comments. Cooperm, if you want a category to show, make a post in that specific category and see if it shows. You can edit a file, I just can’t remember what as I did that to show my own categories. The instructions were on WPWiki I recall.

    I think you are overloading yourself. Maybe slow down. Get one style really neat the way you want it before you start style switching. It is no good haring round a lot of very sophisticated sites like you are in a mall loading up everything at once. ??

    Thread Starter jinsan


    I see what you’re saying, and I take that point. I agree with the one style thing, so let’s say that I stick with a one column format, using a tabbed menu as my links.
    Title of the page
    Content below
    How do I create that bit at least? I will need guidance as I stuck the code in and I don’t know where to go from there!
    I made an about.php and downloads.php file and put them in the root. I linked them to the about and downloads links on the page as it is. If you click it, you’ll see they don’t seem to format correctly. In particular the downloads.php as it is hidden by the menu on the left and also the links within the text don’t seem to show.
    I think if I get all that done, I can perhaps work on other stuff, but it would give me a starting point.

    Tabs ?
    You want A List Apart :
    Very good page is that ??

    Put the HTML exactly where you want stuff to appear in index.php
    Put the CSS in wp-layout.css (or whatever your css is actually called if different)

    I say this with a great deal of humour and a certain degree of admiration but on this forum we all quite frequently let our ambitions get ahead of our abilities. But tabbed links is really it. I am going to be chuckling for weeks. The very best of luck to you my friend and Welcome to Word Press. I hope we are going to get to see it. ??

    Thread Starter jinsan


    Yeah I know, I’m just keen to get things working. I still have my geeklog site, and that took next to no time to set up, doing everything manually years ago I would have had the patience, now I just want to get on with other things instead of spending hours or days trying to put together the site before blogging.
    I will take a look at the links provided, and I will read up and so on.
    So far I have this: https://sekhu.net/word/ I took an existing template and decided to just whack on the menu. I’ll edit the menu design later but currently I am trying to sort the functionality.
    I copied the index.php and renamed them downloads.php, about.php, contact.php. If you click on the menus for those files, you will notice that 1) the text is all aligned to the right, not sure why this is and 2) can I use standard html to create the contact within those files between the <div id-content> tags?
    Where is the archive file located which I can use to link to an archive list? I saw laughing lizard (I think) has a different archive format. I think this will be useful in keep the page small, as I am not fond of that Calendar, or having the archive on the right. I will probably keep the categories where it is – is there a better way to display this? Would welcome suggestions.
    Let me know if you think I’m going to fast, I think I am a little, but it’s mostly changes here and there, moving things around so they at least display in the right places. Well I think it shows where I am trying to go with this now, and it’s slwoly happening (I think). Comments welcome as always, and I am taking on board everyting being said (several tabs open on firefox on those links provided!)

    I dont know if you have the web editing plugin fitted on Firefox but it is really handy. For people who do not know it the features include a widget which will add a border to all the elements on a page so you can see them.

    Thread Starter jinsan


    Ok, well reading everything and taking it into account I have decided to go for a simple 3 column template dots, and am currently modifying it – however, I found it uses different tags, or the same tags but in a different way, it’s quite confusing – would be nice if everyone used the same commands or format so it’s easier to read for idiots like me (wishful thinking).
    Anyway, I have a couple of queries based on the site as it is right now (https://www.sekhu.net/word)
    1) what is the css i need to edit to edit the color of the menu on the left hand side?
    2) When I remove the calendar, it leaves a big white space, I take it removing its code from the CSS will fix this?
    3) how can make the centre column a different colour to the outside of the page like WordPress has (swirly at the back, but in the middle it’s white) or like this template: https://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/styles/sample.php?wpstyle=human_condition?
    4) any other comments you can suggest that will improve the site visually, things I shoudl consider, add for my own ease ?
    That’s it’s. If I can do those 3/4 things I think I’ll be ready to roll. I still need edit the about, downloads and other php files, and I hope it works well.
    On Alex King’s site I noticed a tree menu, it is excellent when having lots of sub categories – that would be more preferential to a tabbed menu and will be useful for me to save space. Any tips on this?
    Many thanks to everyone’s comments so far, I guess my faith has been restored in forum communities and WP, and I guess I don’t need MT now.

    Mmmm. I haven’t really poked around the code and its 5 in the morning, but I’ll have a crack
    Find the section that starts
    ‘#menu {‘
    under ‘background:’ just change it to the colour you want.
    Find the section that starts
    ‘#wp-calendar {‘
    delete everything within the brackets and change it to
    display: none;
    Find the section that starts
    ‘body {‘
    ‘background-color: white;’
    ‘background: url(images/back.gif);’ for an image or
    ‘background: #blah ;’ for the background you want.
    Note that your whole blog is contained in a div (box) called #rap. Basically if you make rap smaller than the browser viewport (ie. as a strip down the middle) as in human condition, the background applied to the ‘body’ will show through in the spaces that the box does not take up. Obviously, if rap takes up the whole viewscreen, none of the body background will show through. I’m just a noob like you, so the accruacy of my info will vary. But give it a whirl ??

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