• Katfromicca


    Forgive me. I know so so little. I had someone upload a plug in that is supposed to work with my theme and seemingly does. Blubrry PowerPress. It placed a player on my podcast page just fine. But, when I went to register with iTunes through the site and plug in, it says multitudes of things like :

    “error parsing feed: invalid XML: error on line 1: white spaces are required betwwn publics and systemid” is one.
    website is: https://www.functionalyogaonline.com

    This is for the part where your providing a link to the podcast rss feed that you would like to consider adding to the iTunes store. so its the podcast feed url. I then fill it in with what the guy told me to which was listed just below the blank line on this form and press enter. then that message above comes every time for 3 days. I already researched from this page and Im about to post on the plug in page too. do you know anything I can do? The above language feels like I landed a spaceship on another planet and I don’t have a clue what their trying to say ??

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  • What is the feed URL You are trying to submit to iTunes? I took a look at your site and found this feed (https://functionalyogaonline.com/feed/podcast/) but it is empty (no episodes). I also only found this page with one podcast episode: https://functionalyogaonline.com/podcast-2

    It also appears that https://functionalyogaonline.com/podcast-2 is a Pate not a Post.

    If you are not aware, blogging and podcasting go hand-in-hand. To create a podcast, you create a blog post and then attach media.

    The ability to attach media to static pages is there only for page use. Pages do not syndicate to feeds, hence your empty feed.

    I think if you just re-create your first episode as a blog post you’ll be all set.

    Thread Starter Katfromicca


    OK so I went in and tried many things because I think I understand that your saying the two work together, can’t have one without the other. First, it won’t let me upload the podcast episode your seeing which is the only one I want to put up and the only one I uploaded- because its too large for the blog post. when I put it on WP I had to go to site ground, thats how I got it on a page to begin with. But I went through site grounds pages and there is nowhere that seems helpful for me to upload in there and they say its a WP and plugin issue, not a hosting thing.
    so, can’t make it a blog post from the blog page itself. is there somewhere else on WP or in the dashboard I should upload it to?
    also tried adding the episode to the audio player within power press plug in but it seems I have to have their hosting package to do that. Is there anyway I can still upload through the power plus plug in without their hosting?

    I am not sure what “site grounds pages” are, do you have a link to these pages? We wrote a manual on podcasting that would be of help to explain podcasting. It would be to your best interest to read all you can so you know all of the aspects involved.

    File upload size restrictions are set by your web host. They are set there for a number of reasons. Typically for a PHP web site the upload size limit is between 2-8MB. A typical 30 minute podcast will be at least 15MB in size, it is not the typical file size intended to be uploaded within WordPress under normal circumstances.

    If you want to upload large files to your own server, contact your web hosting company, they can provide you FTP or SFTP access to allow you to upload files of any size. Hosting the files on your own server though can be a problem in of itself. Web sites are meant to serve small files and quickly, they are not intended to serve large files that take minutes to download. Read here: https://create.blubrry.com/manual/internet-media-hosting/.

    You do not need Blubrry Hosting, though we would appreciate the support if you get your podcast hosting from us rather than a competitor. All you need is the URL to your media file, where ever you put it. If you do upload filename.mp3 to your own server using FTP to a folder called /uploads, then your URL to your media file would be https://example.com/uploads/filename.mp3. You then enter that URL into the “Media URL” field and click “Verify” once the file size and duration are detected, you are all set, then click publish and you’re golden. Just remember to create “posts” not pages.

    Don’t forget, if you want one-on-one support with podasting, we do offer podcast consultation services, we use Gotomeeting and can record the session for your reference.

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