• apw0225


    What do you think of the following change to the “Disk-Enhanced” page-caching code?

    In Generic.php, function _read(), in the return statement (line 163 in trunk):

    //'time' => null, // BEFORE
    'time' => @filemtime($path), // AFTER

    Explanation: Currently, the code always returns a null timestamp for cached files. With a null time-value, if the site has “Browser Caching” enabled with the “Last-Modified” option, then the “Last Modified” response header will always be set to January 1, 1970 (i.e. the beginning of Unix time, sometimes seen when evaluating an uninitialized/null date variable). When a user revisits the page with this “Last-Modified” value, his browser will usually try to send this 1/1/70 date in the “If-Modified-Since” request header, unless he does a force-refresh. This value will always match the null-date in <b>_check_modified_since()</b> in PgCache.php. As a result, a 304 (not modified) response will always be returned, even if the cached file has been updated.

    With the above change, the “Last-Modified” header should instead get the cached file’s timestamp, which the user’s browser may later send in the “If-Modified-Since” header. In response, a 304 will be sent only if the cached file has the same timestamp. Otherwise, presumably the cached file has been updated (following publish or cache purge), so the new content should be sent instead, with a new Last-Modified date.

    Does this analysis make sense? (Apologies in advance: the poster is not a WordPress or W3TC expert, nor has he investigated other possible consequences of this change.)

    Thanks for your time.


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  • Hey APW,

    I am wondering if you have had success with this at all?

    I am seeing W3TC returning some 304 on certain pages and looking for a fix.


    Thanks @ff_will for bumping this post…never knew it existed. Interesting OP. My guess is @apw0225 is long gone ??
    I had always been curious about this when i first saw a Last-Modified set to 1970. However, never gave it extra thought when i noticed that files that originally had it (only happens when the very first time the cache file is generated) would adjust themselves (their header) once the file gets updated. For example, all my files show correct Last-Modified, never the 1970 epoch time. So im not sure if the author fixed the issue upon subsequent file writes because i am hesitant to make the change. But i understand the logic.

    Anyway, if u have Firebug or equivalent (or use an online header analyzer like Reddot) check to see if the epoch time is being returned for your 304s consistently.

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