• Why does wordpress have to add wp- to everything but the kitchen sink ? we all know it’s wordpress,

    I’d like to see WP be more like a real software just give us the files with no extensions, i always remove these prior to installing then update pulgins as well

    Has anyone come up wth a script to do it automatically ? if not i may try to make one

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  • I’d like to see WP be more like a real software just give us the files with no extensions

    I polietly point out that many software platforms have that naming structure, not just wp.

    Probably designed that way like the database structure defaults to. So you can have different packages within the same directory.

    Thread Starter gspark


    really ? i’ve used many software and have never once seen the structure set up that way , db tables yes, but not files. Typically file naming is pretty straight forward ie, file.php is just file.php no wp-file.php, this can also lead to confusion when looking at the files where everything looks the same. If for no other reason then sanity, file naming should be left alone.

    file naming should be left alone

    if thats the worst of your concerns then rename the files, and be done with it. Really.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Using “wp-” for everything ensures that you don’t get conflicts when trying to integrate separate packages.

    What if you want to put two different bits of software together and integrate them? Except that their filenames overlap. Well, then you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you, don’t you?

    With WordPress using “wp-” for most things, you can throw other packages into the same directory and be pretty sure that they won’t overlap in filenames. The number of php packages using something like “config.php” is ridiculous.

    Like Gallery, for instance.

    Thread Starter gspark


    perhaps but i would never intergrate another package into php files and plugins have their own files that shouldn’t interfere with the base files, it’s all good i guess depending on what you want. personally i give wp a good cleansing prior to install

    gallery to my understanding shouldn’t interfere with wp files it has its own directory unless you mix them but that would be insanity ??

    Don’t you think the diference between ‘real’ software and ‘not-real’ software lies in the way it delivers the functionality to the user? Users don’t care about naming conventions. They care about functionality.
    For developers it’s different. They have to obey the naming conventions when working together on large projects. In my opinion, the naming convention of the wordpress files is quite good. Look at this forum how would you ask for help on files if you have cleansed the file names to your own liking? Just keep the names as they are. The decision to name them has been taken and has been accepted sometime ago. And like all real software, these names are not likely to be changed.

    Thread Starter gspark


    well there wouldn’t be any problems if everyone had a clean set of normal looking files, forget about developers they should be creating for the end user (non-developer) the novices will one day inherit the earth didn’t you know that ? :))

    let’s just say for the sake of it, that some might find wp- on every file useful for whatever purpose it may be, they would not represent the majority of end users therefore it would not be justified to have the files that way.

    It might be true that some end users don’t care, that is until their plugin breaks and it will and they have to go through a boat load of wp-files, personally i don’t like the extensions so i purge all folders and files of it and now I can wiz through my search more easily. We all know the real reason wp- is added (so lets not kid anyone ??

    If WP took a vote, i’m betting many would prefer just standarized file naming

    wp- +1

    @gspark – most users will not really care what the files are called. Why would they?

    And “standardised” file naming to me means using a naming convention. In the case of WordPress, the wp- prefix is as good a convention as any.

    And I really don’t think that a prefix is going to make any difference to searching for code in a set of files.

    Thread Starter gspark


    It’s all good :), you are right adv users don’t care about funkyness, they like things complicated, makes them feel geeky, you go right along thinking that it wouldn’t make a difference and while the end users are struggling through the file system, beating their heads on the walls then eventually leaving wp to find another friendly solution, you keep on thinking everything is peachy, this is not just about files, – end discussion

    gspark, I am an end-user.

    gspark, I also am an end-user as well as a designer. Your complaint is so trivial I’m amazed you received any replies at all. With a Ph.D. in computer science and some 25 years of development experience, I am unable to comprehend why the presence or lack of a wp- prefix makes a hill of beans. As was mentioned earlier in the thread it is the functioning and functionality of the software that makes it “real” or not. I strongly suspect that it matters not a hoot to most people whether a file is called, for example, “wp-post.php” or “post.php”. if www.remarpro.com wants to identify the files as being part of the WordPress package and also to take pride of ownership by using the prefix, so what and more power to them. Having produced the package as open source, free software and without monetary compensation, they deserve at least a little self-indulgence and our thanks.



    Actually, not using ‘wp-” makes much sense in a lot of ways. It allows better transparency for software users so that hackers don’t all of a sudden know what software they are using and also their versions. Using “wp-” on database does make sense, since often different scripts are loaded into the same db and it’s good for organization.

    It makes more sense not to have it, then to have it.

    As a very long time scripter but php newbie. I like knowing that
    shuffle(wp-list-cat) tells me that shuffle() is probably in the php doc and wp-list-cat is somewhere in the WordPress press docs and code tree.

    Hackers will figure it out either way, if they care. Security by obscurity is false security. Hidden code is what they look to exploit.

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