• Resolved PaulH


    I’m trying to change the new order email that is sent to admins but I just can’t seem to get it to work.

    I found some code elsewhere that suggested I could remove the action for order_status_pending_to_processing, duplicate the official function and add a new action for it:

    remove_action('order_status_pending_to_processing', 'jigoshop_new_order_notification');
    add_action( 'order_status_pending_to_processing', 'add_coupon_code_email' );
    function add_coupon_code_email( $order_id ) {
    	$jigoshop_options = Jigoshop_Base::get_options();
    	$order = new jigoshop_order($order_id);
    	$subject = html_entity_decode(sprintf(__('[%s] New Customer Order (%s)', 'jigoshop'), get_bloginfo('name'), $order->get_order_number()), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    	echo __("You have received an order from ", 'jigoshop') . $order->billing_first_name . ' ' . $order->billing_last_name . __(". Their order is as follows:", 'jigoshop') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    	add_order_totals($order, false, true);
    	$message = ob_get_clean();
    	$discounts = @$order->order_discount_coupons;
    	$codes = "";
    		foreach($discounts  as $discount){
    			$codes .= @$discount->code . ", ";
    	$message .= PHP_EOL."Discount Code Used: $codes".  PHP_EOL;
    	$message = apply_filters('jigoshop_change_new_order_email_contents', $message, $order);
    	$message = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($message), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    	add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'jigoshop_mail_from_name', 99 );
    	wp_mail($jigoshop_options->get_option('jigoshop_email'), $subject, $message, "From: " . $jigoshop_options->get_option('jigoshop_email') . "\r\n");
    	remove_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'jigoshop_mail_from_name', 99 );
    	@wp_mail("address removed","Debug",$msg);

    This is mostly the same as the original except I’m trying to get the discount codes used for the order and also send a var_export of the $order to another email address.

    Although admin is still getting the email, the discount code part isn’t included at all even if it’s just with no codes shown, and the second email isn’t being sent.

    The error_log is saying the add_header_info() function doesn’t exist which seems strange to me as the original function had the call and mine is almost identical.

    What have I done wrong?


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  • Hello @paulhuckstepp

    If you are using newest Jigoshop (or at least 1.13 as far as I remember) you need to edit email template in Jigoshop -> Emails in admin panel.

    As for this second email you want to send – you indeed need to hook into order_status_pending_to_processing, download the order (new jigoshop_order($id)) and send it to the email you need.

    Is this sufficient for you?

    Thread Starter PaulH


    I found out that I also needed to duplicate and rename all the functions mentioned in this action (add_header_info, etc) as the function would be called without access to the jigoshop ones. Once I’d done that the new action started to work.

    I should be able to work out the rest of what I need now.

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