• jakkub


    Hello, it would be great to have ‘close box forever after submission’ option even for non-default form or 3rd party form.
    Use scenario:

    • user fills form in scrollbox and submits it
    • user is taken to ‘thank you’ page and cookie is set
    • box is not shown anymore for this user

    To accomplish this, I have to temporarily disable plugin if cookie exists using technique similar to https://lowgravity.pl/blog/quick-tip-how-to-disable-wp-plugin-on-certain-page/. This seems to be quite dirty way…

    It would be much easier if there would be new scrollbox option added – in scrollbox edit page there would be two new textinputs – ‘custom cookie name’ and ‘custom cookie value’ – and if plugin would detect such cookie, scrollbox would be not shown. The cookie would be set in my own form processing code.


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