• Want to display my posts in ascending, rather than descending, order – meaning oldest post at top of sidebar, most recent post at bottom.

    I know I can do this manually by altering the posts published dates, one at a time, in Quick Edit…

    But now we’re up to WP4.0 or 4.1, I was wondering if a simple option for this hadn’t been added, and I’m just not seeing it.

    If it still requires adding:
    <?php query_posts($query_string . ‘&orderby=date&order=ASC’); ?>
    to some spot within the .php code, I’m not sure which php (index.php?) and which line. Tried adding it in index.php, on several different lines between line 6 and 18, didn’t work wherever I added it.

    Using the Atahualpa Theme, vs. 3.7

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  • so are you saying you want a widget in a sidebar to do this? or are you wanting the posts on your blog part to be displayed that way?

    Thread Starter rhythim


    Sorry I wasn’t clear Juggle, I simply want the already-existing Recent Posts widget to list oldest posts at the top, scrolling down to most recent posts at bottom. Basically the reverse order of WordPress default, which is to put the newest post at top of list, using date chronology.

    Currently I have my site set up to show a Static Front Page, then successive posts/pages each on their own “page” with their own slug…not one long scroll through all my posts one-under-another on one page.

    I only have one Right Sidebar, which has Recent Posts at top, then Categories, then Pages. It’s all looking fine…I just want my oldest post listed at the top to newest post at bottom. For an educational blog like mine, it’s more natural for the post list to be read top-to-bottom, so you can read them in order.

    I’m surprised through all WP’s iterations, they haven’t installed a quick one-click option for reversing the post order…or maybe they have and I’m just not seeing it?

    Here’s my site, in case you need the visuals:

    The only way to effect that widget is to edit the wordpress code which is a bad idea. Just look at some of the recent post plugins and I’m sure you will find one that will do what you want.

    Thread Starter rhythim


    Thanks Juggle. Installed Recent Posts Widget Extended, which did indeed give me the Ascending order option, and it worked…although it created a new problem, that of my “bullets” (in front of each post name ) no longer lining up with the post names. Not sure how to fix that, started a new thread here:


    to get it answered.

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