• Resolved Tinchen


    Hello Frank,

    I just tried your plugin and am not fully satisfied yet. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

    On Google pagespeed it took me from 65 to 71 on mobile and from 85 to 87 on desktop. I actually expected it to be better. Besides the fact, that I will have to reduce the picture size some more there is another hurdle.

    It says that my website contains one CSS resource creating a delay in rendering and it is showing this one:
    https://mm-vip.de/%E2%80%A6ize_beafde3bd1d77a2029e32ea7b0284334.css (I could not copy the complete one, but maybe you can test my site to see it?). It seems to me that this is coming from autooptimize. Am I mistaken or am I right?

    I would like to get rid of it of course but do not know how. Maybe you can help me?



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  • Thread Starter Tinchen


    Ops … I am not sure if this was the right place to post it. I thought it would be posted next to the plugin’s comments. If it is wrong here, please just delete it.


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Morning Tina;
    CSS is by default render blocking, also after being autoptimized. There are however options in Autoptimize to make it non-blocking, this is described in some detail in the FAQ.

    Hope this helps,

    Thread Starter Tinchen


    Morning Frank ??

    Thank you for your quick answer.

    I had looked at your FAQ before writing my first post here, but being a complete beginner in WordPress and with all this SEO stuff I had a problem finding the right answer to this problem. Would you please be so kind and lead me to it? Where exactly in your FAQ will I find this option you mentioned?

    I am sorry, I do not want to keep you busy but I still am kind of helpless here. I am willing and trying to learn but I often still need step-by-step help and someone pointing at the right direction.

    Thank you for your great support!

    Thread Starter Tinchen


    Me again ??

    Did you mean this one?

    I activated Autoptimize, but Google Pagespeed Insight still complains?

    If you have render-blocking JS: be sure not to tick the “force JS in head” if not absolutely needed.

    If you have render-blocking CSS: consider to “inline” or “inline and defer” your CSS. There’s more info on these topics below.
    What is the use of “inline and defer CSS”?

    CSS in general should go in the head of the document. Recently a.o. Google started promoting deferring non-essential CSS, while inlining those styles needed to build the page above the fold. This is especially important to render pages as quickly as possible on mobile devices. As from Autoptimize 1.9.0 this is easy; select “inline and defer CSS”, paste the block of “above the fold CSS” in the input field (text area) and you’re good to go!

    I will have a look at it and try my best. Maybe you will never have to hear from me then ??

    Thread Starter Tinchen


    Sorry back again ??

    paste the block of “above the fold CSS” in the input field (text area)

    Which block??? I cannot find anything about “above the fold CSS” in Autooptimize.

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    “inline & defer” is pretty advanced stuff, I would advise to just choose “inline all CSS” (or to keep all as is, if you have a lot of CSS).

    Regarding Google Pagespeed Insight (and similar tools); you should consider it as “just” a tool to help you identify possible improvements, not a real performance indicator. As such it is possible that a sight with a lower pagespeed score, loads faster then one with a perfect pagespeed. So tread with care ??

    Have fun,

    Thread Starter Tinchen


    Thanks Frank, but I still do not understand your answer here.

    In your FAQ you say “to paste the block of “about the fold CSS” in the input field”. But what does that mean? Where does one copy “the block”, where does it come from? What does this block look like?

    I understand your thoughts about Google Insight and will consider them, but nevertheless I want to do the best I can especially as it sounds very easy in your FAQ. But I just do not understand about which “block” you are talking about.

    When you say it is easy “

    As from Autoptimize 1.9.0 this is easy; select “inline and defer CSS”, paste the block of “above the fold CSS” in the input field (text area) and you’re good to go!

    ” and it isn’t or it is a danger to the website than maybe it would be a good idea to change your FAQ accordingly ;).

    I am sure others have the same problem …

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, if you “inline all CSS” there’s no block to paste ??

    Inline & defer requires a 3rd party tool (e.g. https://jonassebastianohlsson.com/criticalpathcssgenerator/, which is also mentioned in the FAQ if I’m not mistaking) to try to identify the “above the fold” CSS. You would then copy the resulting block of CSS in the input field (text area).


    Thread Starter Tinchen


    Thanks Frank, I see clearer now and you also took me to more information and testing tools.

    I must say that your support here is absolutely perfect! Thank you so much.


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    You’re welcome ??

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