First, thanks for this structured post and the detail.
So, a few points.
Featured images are only supported on posts that have the “Image” WordPress Post Format selected. If your post (or custom post type) doesn’t have a Post Formats box, then the default format of “Standard” will be used, which means that Tumblr Crosspostr will create a Text post on Tumblr, not a Photo post.
So, first, if your custom post type does not support Post Formats, then the only type of Tumblr post that Tumblr Crosspostr will be able to translate your WordPress custom post type into is a text post. To fix this, contact the developer of the plugin that provided the custom post type and ask them to make it crosspostable using formats other than the default. (There are instructions for doing this on the Other Notes page of this plugin.) Unfortunately, this is not something that can be changed without the editing the other plugin’s code, since Tumblr Crosspostr has no way to interface with that code directly.
To answer your question:
I’ve found a message by you in a topic saying: “In other words, your post must include at least one <img src=”…” alt=”” /> HTML element for Tumblr Crosspostr to find.” Can you tell me more information about that? When I am displaying the featured image on the single.php, I display the featured image there and works.
Tumblr Crosspostr is theme-agnostic, meaning that it doesn’t matter what your WordPress theme displays, Tumblr Crosspostr doesn’t even consider it. It only prepares data for and sends data to Tumblr’s API, not your theme.
In an earlier version of Tumblr Crosspostr, featured images were not supported at all, so there had to be at least one <img>
tag in your post body for Tumblr Crosspostr to sucessfully create a Photo post on Tumblr. In the current version of Tumblr Crosspostr, the plugin will still look for an <img>
tag in your post body, but if it doesn’t find one, it will use the Featured Image.
Hope this helps. ??