Multiple Signup Lists
Great plugin, but needs ability to add more than one newsletter list for signup.
Hi mdemaree99,
Thanks for the compliment. As for your request for Benchmark Email Lite to be able to display more than one signup form, we got you covered! That is, currently, one drags/activates one Benchmark Email Lite widget per needed signup list. That is, once you activate a Benchmark Email Lite widget, and select a signup list, do these same steps as many times as you need for as many signup forms as you need.
P.S., Our upcoming plugin will be able to handle more than one signup list per widget via Benchmark Email’s custom signup forms. Talk about good timing, eh?!
Hope this helps!
Sounds great! Do you have a timeframe of the next update?
If all goes well, we should release a new version towards the end of this month. But, note, in the meantime you can still have as many unique signup forms as you want via multiple Benchmark Email Lite widgets. Moreover, each widget gives you the ability to display on a specific page or everywhere. Hope this helps! ??
Hi Randy,
I have a Multi-site implementation. Having difficulty communicating with the server using the API key. Is it Multi-site or something else? (And if Multi-site, are there plans for Benchmark to work with WP-MS?). Recommendations?
Interesting! I will test this out and get back to you. Thanks for the heads up. Oh, and to answer your question, all my testing has been centered around a stand-alone WordPress site. But, I believe, it should work on a multisite too so if it doesn’t it’s most likely a bug!
P.S., I say “I believe” and “most likely a bug” because I am just the tester. I’ll have to talk to Sean about this to get his feedback on the issue. Either way hsprintz, I will let you know.
Thanks again!
Sorry for the delay, was moving this weekend.
There should be no difference in connectivity between multisite and single site modes.
The questions that come to mind here are:
1) What is the hosting company (we may have experience or details to check with them).
2) Are any errors being trapped, either printed to the screen or stored in a log file that you can log in to see? PHP tends to be chatty about errors, warnings, notices, so there may be a lot relating to the entire site, but we want to look for anything related to communications.
3) Is the error similar to “Error connecting to Benchmark Email API server. Connection throttled until X to prevent sluggish behavior. If this occurs frequently, try increasing your Connection Timeout setting.”?Hi Sean/Randy,
1)Hosting company is
2)the error message in the WP Dashboard for Benchmark Email Lite is:
No results found for the following API key(s):
[API key]
Need help? Please call Benchmark Email at 800.430.4095.Spoke with Linda (as I recall). Reset the API key with same result. Then she told me to reach out to Randy.
Note that under the Settings tab, there is a green checkmark next to the API key.
3)The above is the only error message visible. Let me know where else to look.
This suggests to me that there is no communication problem, rather there are no sent email campaigns to display in the Emails area for the API key entered.
1) Are you using the latest version v2.5?
2) Do you have any existing email campaigns to display (when you log into
3) Is the API key you are using configured for the same Benchmark Email account or sub-account containing the email campaigns and contact lists you want to connect WordPress to?
SeanI just recently registered for Benchmark Email.
1) The plug in is version 2.5 BEL.
2) No existing campaigns. Is this required for the API key to work?
3) Only the 1 Benchmark Email account. API key is associated with that account.
hsprintzSo it sounds like we don’t have an error after all. The message “No results found for the following API key(s)” means that there are no existing email campaigns to display statistics for under that API key.
In order to display emails there, you must first create at least one and send it out. Email campaigns can be created through the plugin by sending a page or post from WordPress (See Benchmark Email Lite Metabox), or from the Benchmark Email direct user interface at
Let us know if that resolves your issue or if you have further questions for us.
SeanOK. By setting up an email campaign I now have it working with the parent site in Multi-site. How do I get it to work with each site inside multi-site?
hsprintzIn a multisite network each site must have its own plugins enabled/activated. However, as the network administrator you can “network enable” plugins to force them ON for each and every sub site. Each sub site needs its own configuration, so set-up the API key(s) in each site’s wp-admin area.
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