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  • Hi,

    Did anyone ever resolve this? There is definitely a conflict with the WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos plugin and this one. It will not show the minimum quantity in the quantity field when Variation Swatches are used. Instead it shows ‘1’ and then adds 1 + your step value, so 51, 101, 151, etc..

    When I turn off the swatch images at the product level, all goes back to normal and the actual minimum quantity is displayed.

    Variation swatches in use (minimum quantity does not display in qty box):

    Swatches turned off (minimum quantity displays correctly):

    Any help? This seems like core functionality for this type plugin.

    I managed to fix some compatibility issues with other plugins by creating dedicated product quantity rule.
    So i just create rules, product by product.

    Same problem here, I have minimum 3 and step value 3, and shows default zero on the product page as it should, then the “+” adds 3 — works fine. When Variation Swatches and Photos is activated, it changes to default 1 and increments to 4.

    I asked Woo about this and they said:

    “It sounds to me like the product quantities plugin probably works on some sort of hook to start the product at a quantity of 0 and since Swatches & Photos need to use its own template file, Product Quantities just isn’t “aware”.”

    They also said their Min/Max premium plugin would play nice with Variation Swatches and Photos.

    its simple

    delete lines

    $('form.cart').trigger('found_variation', [variation]);


    if (variation.min_qty) {
    			$('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').attr('data-min', variation.min_qty).val(variation.min_qty);
    		} else {
    		if (variation.max_qty) {
    			$('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').attr('data-max', variation.max_qty);
    		} else {

    in WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos/ assets/ js/ swatches-and-photos.js

    function wc_escapeStr(str)
        if (str)
            return str.replace(/([ #;?%&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/@])/g,'\\$1');      
        return str;
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    	$(document).on('wc_variation_form', function(e) {
    		var form =;
    		if ( (!$(form).data('bound')) && $(form).hasClass('swatches') ) {
    			var calculator = new variation_calculator($(form).data('product_attributes'), $(form).data('product_variations'), $(form).data('product_variations_flat'), my_all_set_callback, my_not_all_set_callback, $(form).data('variations_map'));
    			$(form).find('.variations select').unbind();
    			$(form).find(', select').unbind();
    			$(form).data('calculator', calculator);
    			$('select', form).trigger('change', []);
    			$(form).find('[data-default=true]').find('a').each(function(index, element) {
    			$(form).data('bound', 1);
    	$('#variations_clear').click(function(e) {
    		$(this).closest('form.variations_form').find('.variations-table select').val('').change();
    		var $sku = $(this).closest('.product').find('.sku');
    		var $weight = $(this).closest('.product').find('.product_weight');
    		var $dimensions = $(this).closest('.product').find('.product_dimensions');
    		if ($sku.attr('data-o_sku'))
    		if ($weight.attr('data-o_weight'))
    		if ($dimensions.attr('data-o_dimensions'))
    		$(this).closest('form.variations_form').find('').each(function() {
    			$(this).find('').each(function() {
    				if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) {
    					var select = $(this).closest('');'value', '');
    					select.trigger('change', []);
    					var label_id = '#' + $(select).attr('id') + '_label';
    					var $label = $(wc_escapeStr( label_id ));
    					if ($label) {
    						$label.html(" ");
    		return false;
    	function my_not_all_set_callback() {
    		// Reset image
    		var img = $('div.images img:eq(0)');
    		var link = $('div.images a.zoom:eq(0)');
    		var o_src = $(img).attr('data-o_src');
    		var o_href = $(link).attr('data-o_href');
    		if (o_src && o_href) {
    			$(img).attr('src', o_src);
    			$(link).attr('href', o_href);
    		$('form input[name=variation_id]').val('').change();
    		if ($().uniform && $.isFunction($.uniform.update)) {
    	function my_all_set_callback(selected, product_variations, variations_map) {
    		var found = null;
    		var value = '';
    		for (sa in selected) {
    			if (sa.indexOf('attribute') > -1) {		
    				value = variations_map[sa][selected[sa]];
    				$('#' + wc_escapeStr(sa) ).val( value );
    		for (var p = 0; p < product_variations.length; p++) {
    			var result = true;
    			for (attribute in product_variations[p].attributes) {
    				for (selected_attribute in selected) {
    					if (selected_attribute == attribute) {
    						var v = product_variations[p].attributes[attribute];
    						if (v != selected[ value ]) {
    							result = false;
    			if (result) {
    				found = product_variations[p];
    		if (!found) {
    			for (var p = 0; p < product_variations.length; p++) {
    				var result = true;
    				for (attribute in product_variations[p].attributes) {
    					for (selected_attribute in selected) {
    						if (selected_attribute == attribute) {
    							var value = variations_map[ selected_attribute ][ selected[ selected_attribute ] ];
    							var v = product_variations[p].attributes[attribute];
    							var vs = selected[selected_attribute];
    							if (v != '' && v != value) {
    								result = false;
    				if (result) {
    					found = product_variations[p];
    		if (found) {
    		} else {
    	function show_variation(variation) {
    		$('.single_variation').html(variation.price_html + variation.availability_html);
    		if (variation.sku) {
    		} else {
    		if (variation.is_sold_individually == 'yes') {
    		$('form input[name=variation_id]').val(variation.variation_id).change();
    		$('.single_variation_wrap').slideDown('200').trigger('show_variation', [variation]);
    	function swap_image(variation) {
    		var img = $('div.images img:eq(0)');
    		var link = $('div.images a.zoom:eq(0)');
    		var o_src = $(img).attr('data-o_src');
    		var o_title = $(img).attr('data-o_title');
    		var o_href = $(link).attr('data-o_href');
    		var variation_image = variation.image_src;
    		var variation_link = variation.image_link;
    		var variation_title = variation.image_title;
    		if (!o_src) {
    			$(img).attr('data-o_src', $(img).attr('src'));
    		if (!o_title) {
    			$(img).attr('data-o_title', $(img).attr('title'));
    		if (!o_href) {
    			$(link).attr('data-o_href', $(link).attr('href'));
    		if (variation_image && variation_image.length > 1) {
    			$(img).attr('src', variation_image);
    			$(img).attr('title', variation_title);
    			$(img).attr('alt', variation_title);
    			$(link).attr('href', variation_link);
    			$(link).attr('title', variation_title);
    		} else {
    			$(img).attr('src', o_src);
    			$(img).attr('title', o_title);
    			$(img).attr('alt', o_title);
    			$(link).attr('href', o_href);
    			$(link).attr('title', o_title);
    	function init_swatches(form) {
    		$(form).on('click', '', function(event) {
    			var $the_option = $(this);
    			if ($the_option.hasClass('disabled')) {
    				return false;
    			} else if ($the_option.hasClass('selected')) {
    				var select = $the_option.closest('');'value', '');
    				var label_id = '#' + $(select).attr('id') + '_label';
    				var $label = $(wc_escapeStr( label_id ));
    				if ($label) {
    				$(this).parents('').trigger('change', []);
    			} else {
    				var select = $(this).closest('');
    				var val = $'value');'value', val );
    				var label_id = '#' + $(select).attr('id') + '_label';
    				var $label = $(wc_escapeStr( label_id ) );
    				if ($label) {
    				$(this).parents('').trigger('change', []);
    			return false;
    		$(form).on('change', '', function() {
    			$variation_form = $(this).closest('form.cart');
    			calculator = $'calculator');
    			var $parent = $(this).closest('.variation_form_section');
    			$('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var optval = $(element).val();
    				optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
    				optval = optval.replace('"', "&quot;");
    				calculator.set_selected($(element).data('attribute-name'), optval);
    			$('', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var optval = $(element).data('value');
    				calculator.set_selected( $(element).data('attribute-name'), optval);
    			var current_options = calculator.get_current();
    			$('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
    				var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
    				$(element).find('option:gt(0)').each(function(index, option) {
    					var optval = $(option).val();
    					optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
    					optval = optval.replace('"', "&quot;");
    					if (!avaiable_options[ optval ]) {
    						$(option).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    					} else {
    			$('', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
    				var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
    				$(element).find('').each(function(index, option) {
    					if (!avaiable_options[ $(option).data('value') ]) {
    						$(option).addClass('disabled', 'disabled');
    					} else {
    		$(form).on('change', 'select', function() {
    			$variation_form = $(this).closest('form.cart');
    			calculator = $'calculator');
    			var $parent = $(this).closest('.variation_form_section');
    			$('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var optval = $(element).val();
    				optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
    				optval = optval.replace('"', "&quot;");
    				calculator.set_selected($(element).data('attribute-name'), optval);
    			var current_options = calculator.get_current();
    			$('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
    				var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
    				$(element).find('option:gt(0)').each(function(index, option) {
    					var optval = $(option).val();
    					optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
    					optval = optval.replace('"', "&quot;");
    					if (!avaiable_options[ optval ]) {
    						//$(option).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    					} else {
    			$('', $parent).each(function(index, element) {
    				var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
    				var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
    				$(element).find('').each(function(index, option) {
    					if (!avaiable_options[ $(option).data('value') ]) {
    						$(option).addClass('disabled', 'disabled');
    					} else {
    function variation_manager(variations) {
    	this.variations = variations;
    	this.find_matching_variation = function(selected) {
    		for (var v = 0; v < this.variations.length; v++) {
    			var variation = this.variations[v];
    			var matched = true;
    			//Find any with an exact match.
    			for (var attribute in variation.attributes) {
    				matched = matched & selected[attribute] != undefined && selected[attribute] == variation.attributes[attribute];
    			if (matched) {
    				return variation;
    		//An exact match was not found.   Find any with a wildcard match
    		for (var v = 0; v < this.variations.length; v++) {
    			var variation = this.variations[v];
    			var matched = true;
    			//Find any with an exact match.
    			for (var attribute in variation.attributes) {
    				matched = matched & selected[attribute] != undefined && (selected[attribute] == variation.attributes[attribute] || variation.attributes[attribute] == '');
    			if (matched) {
    				return variation;
    		return false;
    function variation_calculator(keys, possibile, possibile_flat, all_set_callback, not_all_set_callback, variations_map) {
    	this.recalc_needed = true;
    	this.all_set_callback = all_set_callback;
    	this.not_all_set_callback = not_all_set_callback;
    	//The varioius variation key values available as configured in woocommerce.
    	this.variation_keys = keys;
    	this.variations_map = variations_map;
    	//The actual variations that are configured in woocommerce.
    	this.variations_available = possibile_flat;
    	//Stores the attribute + values that are currently available
    	this.variations_current = {};
    	//Stores the selected attributes + values
    	this.variations_selected = {};
    	this.reset_current = function( ) {
    		for (var key in this.variation_keys) {
    			this.variations_current[ key ] = {};
    			for (var av = 0; av < this.variation_keys[key].length; av++) {
    				this.variations_current[ key ][ this.variation_keys[key][av] ] = 0;
    	this.update_current = function( ) {
    		for (var i = 0; i < this.variations_available.length; i++) {
    			for (var attribute in this.variations_available[ i ]) {
    				var available_value = this.variations_available[ i ][attribute];
    				var selected_value = this.variations_selected[attribute];
    				if (selected_value && selected_value == available_value) {
    					this.variations_current[ attribute ][ available_value ] = 1;//this is a currently selected attribute value
    				} else {
    					var result = true;
    					//Loop though any other item that is selected, checking to see if any do not match.
    					for (var other_selected_attribute in this.variations_selected) {
    						if (other_selected_attribute == attribute) {
    							//We are looking to see if any attribute that is selected will cause this to fail.
    						var other_selected_attribute_value = this.variations_selected[other_selected_attribute];
    						var other_available_attribute_value = this.variations_available[i][other_selected_attribute];
    						if (other_selected_attribute_value) {
    							if (other_available_attribute_value) {
    								if (other_selected_attribute_value != other_available_attribute_value) {
    									result = false;
    					if (result) {
    						if (available_value) {
    							this.variations_current[ attribute ][ available_value ] = 1;
    						} else {
    							for (var av in this.variations_current[ attribute ]) {
    								this.variations_current[ attribute ][ av ] = 1;
    		this.recalc_needed = false;
    	this.get_current = function() {
    		if (this.recalc_needed) {
    		return this.variations_current;
    	this.get_value_is_current = function(key, value) {
    		if (this.recalc_needed) {
    		return this.variations_current[ key ][ value ] === true;
    	this.reset_selected = function() {
    		this.recalc_needed = true;
    		this.variations_selected = {};
    	this.set_selected = function(key, value) {
    		this.recalc_needed = true;
    		this.variations_selected[ key ] = value;
    	this.get_selected = function() {
    		return this.variations_selected;
    	this.trigger_callbacks = function() {
    		var all_set = true;
    		for (var key in this.variation_keys) {
    			all_set = all_set & this.variations_selected[key] != undefined && this.variations_selected[key] != '';
    		if (all_set) {
    			this.all_set_callback(this.variations_selected, possibile, this.variations_map );
    		} else {
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