• Below is the form code I’ve made using the generator:

    [text* Name 40/40 placeholder “Name”]
    [email* Email 40/40 placeholder “Email address”]
    [tel Telephone 40/40 placeholder “Telephone”]
    [textarea* Message 40/400 placeholder “Message”]
    [submit “Send message”]

    I’ve used the shortcode to make this form appear in my theme (on a page as well as in a text widget.)

    The problems I’m having are:

    1. The “Text” field always generates 100% size width, regardless of what I set it to, and if I completely remove the size parameters too.

    2. All other fields generate at a size width of 220 pixels.

    Is there a solution to override the settings used here and rather input CSS into the themes stylesheet?


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  • The overall size of the form elements is generally controlled by the CSS in your current WordPress theme rather than the “size” you use in the Form section of the CF7. This refers to the size of the standard HTML size attribute which may or may not control overall element size.

    Back in the 1990s the HTML size attribute probably did what you want.

    See Styling Contact Form for a general explanation of styling CF7 forms using CSS.

    There is a link at the bottom of the page to a comprehensive and detailed article on Styling Contact Form 7 Forms. The article shows people, with suitable HTML & CSS skills, how to change the appearance of their Contact Form 7 Forms to meet their particular requirements.

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