moshu is right its not a one click job…. on the other heand its relatively easy to explain for the basic placement, to give the concept of the work, so as to… you know… help…
To have it appear you’ll need to
use some basic concepts.
for one, your sidebar should be enclosed in a div. this so you can later refer to it in your stylesheet as .sidebar
<div class="sidebar">
is a good start
now everything in it should be in an unordered list
so now like this
<div class="sidebar">
now it just depends on what you want in it.
heres a small example
<div class="sidebar">
<?php wp_get_bookmarks(); ?>
that will display your blogroll
open your index.php
go to the bottom and if there are closing body and html tags in your themes index.php file, you’ll want to place the following before them, but most likely after the last closing div tag.
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
this is all highly dependant on how that theme is designed.
you’d be well reccomended to go download the boook at it will teach you step by step, the third part especially on how to hand code a theme from scratch.
anyway now to get it to appear on the right side, well that just takes some stylesheet programming…
I assume it’ll be a work in progress to just get here with it.
something like
float: left;
width: 175px;
margin: 0 0 0 1px;
as you can see there your telling it to align left it it’s “box”, the box you defined using the div class of sidebar earlier. your telling it that this box is 175px wide, your width may vary, and your padding it 1 px, thats just me in one theme… you’ll have to play to see the effects.
in addition
you may need to adjust other div “boxes” attributes, or the attributes of what are in them for it to work out right, this is another one of those moments where it just depends..