• Resolved akittle


    Hello, I just installed A3 Portfolio and I like the layout and usability a lot but I was wondering if there was a way to change the default neon green color that overlays images and is used for link text when showing a portfolio post? It really doesn’t go with the aesthetic of my site. I didn’t see it as an option within the plugin and I don’t know much about coding so I couldn’t figure it out by myself.



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  • Hi,
    the developer has an add on for about $50 that allows you to customize the styling (color, fonts, etc) youy can get it here: https://a3rev.com/shop/a3-portfolio-dynamic-stylesheets/

    Alternatively, you say you don’t know much code, but if you have basic CSS skills, you can add the styles to your own CSS file, as i did here: https://whosyourwebsite.com/dev/portfolios

    Hi Shaynald

    I’m dealing with the same issue as akittie, and since I’m still learning CSS, I would love to know how to add the styles to my own CSS style. Could you help me out?


    Hello @shaynald, would you please tell me where I can find the place to custom color? I only want to change the green into black and to change the black into white (in this pop-up).

    Thanks in advance!

    PS. I’m just a student setting up a website for my school, so I’m not able to buy the customizer…


    You are only going to be able to do this if you know how to edit the CSS files. In fact, I recommend adding the necessary CSS to your theme’s styles (I assume you are using a custom or child theme), so you can upgrade the a3portfolio plug-in without losing your changes.

    You can use the element inspector in your browser to find the CSS selectors to change. I think the background of the pop-up is: .a3-portfolio-expander-popup so to make that element white instead of black, add this to your theme css:

    background-color: #fff !important;

    The green text in the pop-up is all the color for links, so you can add this to make it black:

    .a3-portfolio-inner-wrap a,
    .a3-portfolio-inner-wrap a:link{
    color: #000 !important;

    You might also want to add hover states to these selectors.
    I hope this helps. If this doesn’t make sense, feel free to ask more questions.


    Sorry I didn’t see your question until lajoy asked…maybe it was the @ that notified me. I hope the answer above helps you too.

    @shaynald, thank you so much! That really works!

    The only thing I want to change is this: when I open my Portfolio, the categories show up in a green colorbox. Under the pictures also places a green box. I want the green to be another color. Do you also have another code to change that? That would really really help me out, if I can change that: my website is perfect!

    I don’t dare to fill in a code myself, because I’m afraid that will crash my site.

    Can you help me out? Thanks in advance, your advice is great!



    Hi joy,

    Two things:
    1- you wont crash your site by changing the CSS….you might make it look bad for a minute or two, but if you have a back up and make changes one at a time you can always revert back to a previous version. Don’t be afraid to experiment, it is the only way to learn!

    2- One of the best tools you can use as a web developer is the element inspector. I like to debug in Firefox, but most (if not all) browsers have a similar tool. right click on the element you want to change the CSS of and select “inspect element’ (in Firefox you have both ‘inspect element Q’ and ‘inspect with firebug’ … I like the ‘Q’ one. A panel will open a the bottom or side of your screen that lets you play with the HTML and CSS settings. These changes won’t effect the actual code. they are temporary and will disappear when you refresh the browser. This is how I figure out what the selectors are so that I can change the CSS values. Once you find what you like, you can copy the code into your code editor.
    I uploaded a screenshot of the element inspector in action on the a3portfolio demo site HERE
    In that screenshot you can see what happens if I change the background-color of “.a3-portfolio-item-container a.a3-portfolio-item-block .a3-portfolio-card-title-under” to a light purple.

    I’d love to see you find the other selector that you need to change to do this yourself, but, if you get stuck, feel free to leave another follow up.

    Good Luck!

    Hello @shaynald,

    Thank you sooo much for your help!
    I’ve been trying to get the right code and I did it,
    I know how to edit the colors now and I’m so happy.
    Thank you!!!

    – Joy

    that makes me smile! Glad i could help!

    Thanks for helping, Shaynald. I manage to choose the right for me color, But I don’t undersand how and what must copy and where to make the change in CCS TO SAVE my maching color. Thanks

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