• Good evening,

    I tried to upgrade from WordPress 2.0 to 2.2. I ftp’d my blog folder from my site to my desktop and performed a db backup. I uploaded the new files and everything stopped working.

    So, I reuploaded the files from my blog folder that I had saved initially. That allows my home page to come up, but any link from that page won’t work. I also can’t get any administration page to come up. They just show up as blank.

    Any ideas as to how I can regain control of my blog?

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  • This is the same problem I’m having now. I used phpmysql to get in and change the settings in the db manually which allowed me to get my test settings correct, but any attempt to access php files in the main dir leads to blank pages (in firefox, in IE I get page cannot be found errors)

    The only files I am able to see in the blog root dir is license.txt and files like that. It isn’t permissions related either.

    Love to know what is causing it.. some setting that should be there that is required in the db, but missing due to the upgrade (from 1.2 to 1.5 then 2.2, I had 1.5 working fine)



    I have the same problem. I upgraded a WordPress installation from an old version (1.5 I think) and now all the pages are blank. I can reach wp-login.php, but when I log in I’m redirected to wp-admin/profile.php and told that “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”


    Yeah what’s the deal with this? Same thing here, all blank pages. All files are fine, htaccess is the same, everything is good, but blank.

    Thank you WordPress for the quality app, now please provide us with a quality solution!

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