Just that. I can change the Calendar Color on some categories, but doing so on others result in the “value not saved” message.
At this point, I’ve taken a clone of my production site and stripped it down to the equivalent of my minimal (fresh WP install + EM only) test site. I’ve made the directory tree of the “clone” site identical to that of the minimal test site, and the problem persists. This suggests that there must be some value in the database causing the problem. I have a program that compares databases table-by-table, and will attempt to use it to determine what value is causing the problem.
In the meantime, another approach might be to add some error-checking to EM to find out why saving the Calendar Color value is failing. Any guidance on where in the code to start looking would be appreciated.
What’s baffling here is that Calendar Color appears to be the only setting that isn’t getting saved reliably.