Each issue is a different category. I was going to use custom categories, but i just decided to do some clever naming of the jpgs. It is easier for updating that way.
So when you go into each category, based on the short name of the category it just pulls that image `<img src=”/images/<?php
$cat = get_the_category(); $cat = $cat[0]; echo $cat->category_nicename ;
?>/Swindle_Magazine_Cover.jpg”>`(example: /issue08/cover.jpg.) I think Google is going to like it more if i do it issue08/issue08-Cover.jpg, which i will change it to soon.
I added another column to the terms table? or relationships table, i am not sure at the moment. Called is_magazine, and i manually go in and change it to yes, so it gets shown on the back issues page and other various places.
I am glad that you like it. I just do it simple and not make it to complicated to do.