• I would like to be able to import the haloscan comments from a new (beta) blogger. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?

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  • So would I. I know Justin of Justinsomnia wrote a import haloscan comments script, but I have seen no instructions on how to hook it up with the new Blogger importer that is included with WordPress 2.2.

    I’ve also tested the new Blogger importer and was not pleased to find that the new importer handles permalinks differently after they imported. (Meaning, if you have a custom domain, i.e. https://www.mysite.com/blog, and you move from Blogger to WordPress, many of your URLs will change). The old importer had this problem too but there was a fix written for it.

    I have a new Blogger blog I’d like to move, but I can’t do it until these issues are resolved.

    I might add that the new importer is very easy to run, so for those who want to move, the hassle is in ensuring that URLs don’t get changed.

    Thread Starter eiramitak



    I’ve looked at the importer, but haven’t tested any modifications for it yet. It is neccessary to grab the IDs of each post so the haloscan importer can match comments to posts. The permalinks (a semi related issue) are actually stored as post metadata. If others have ideas to help speed up the creation of a mod that would be hepful.

    Thread Starter eiramitak


    I’m seriously at a loss. I have even looked at the importer as a non-plugin person. But, as a non-plugin person it meant nothing.

    I will donate generously to anyone that can help! Please!

    I have to import a blog with haloscan comments before the summer is over, so if nobody creates a tool to modify the importer, I’ll write one myself. I sent an inquiry to the wordpress team about this, but they haven’t responded, unfortunately.

    I might be interested for the right price. I like import problems. Contact info over on the left. And Moderator on the right.

    I think I may have found a solution to add the Blogger post ID as an HTML comment proceeding the actual body of the post with WordPress 2.2.1’s Blogger Import. Testing it now… will post in the next 30 mins if there hasn’t been a solution. As I searched Google and the forums here, there didn’t seem to be one so I wrote one.



    Any update on this? I havn’t tried it yet, but how hard is it to just change the permalink option in wp?

    update…the solution is very simple, you just change your permalinks to “custom” and enter this:


    I’m happy to report that I’ve tested a solution for importing haloscan comments with new blogger…and it works beautifully.

    You just need a Haloscan paid membership (so you can export your comments), a plugin to grab Blogger post IDs and a slightly modified version of the Haloscan importer script, both put together by justinsomnia. (www.justinsomnia.org)

    Contact me if you want help.

    nw.shield (at gmail (dot) com

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