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  • Form will not submit, I’ve got required address to send to with responder etc… but there’s no redirect, form submission… only refresh with content in fields.

    Same here…form SUBMIT no longer works! It was working fine before…thinking of replacing this plugin with something else, which I’d hate to do but got to have something that’s not broken:-)

    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    It seems intermittent, but I am working on trying to find the cause and will update it asap.

    Can you list other plugins you may have to help me find a cause?

    Hi I am also having this problem.

    Plugin works great on one site that I have it installed on.

    Installed it on a second site, which is on a different host, and it won’t submit. Tried also just collecting the data instead of sending the email, and nothing happens.

    It’s like the submit button isn’t triggering the action it’s supposed to trigger.


    I basically used the standard form he made, and just manipulated it and adjusted it. Clone that one and you can make any of them work Jennwelchsites.

    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    just a stupid question here, but is the button field set as a “submit” ?

    Hey David,

    I created a simple email form and it’s not doing anything, not submitting, not checking validation, nothing. Clicking submit doesn’t appear to do a thing.

    Biggest thought: is that my theme is a custom one built on Bootstrap already; idk if that would be affecting it at all.

    Additional here are the plugins currently activated:

    • Alpine PhotoTile for Pinterest
    • Caldera Forms
    • Google Font Manager
    • Google Maps Builder
    • Insert Pages
    • Justified Image Grid
    • Master Slider WP
    • NextGen Gallery by Photocrati
    • Recent Tweets Widgets
    • Responsive Tabs

    Thanks for your response.

    I am pretty much having the same problem, the form seems to work fine until I click on submit. At that point nothing happens.

    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    Does it capture the entry?

    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    since v1.1.9.5 there is a debug mailer issue. if this populates it means the WordPress email was called and something is stopping it from completing.

    Once I find a better cause I’ll post an update explaining it. for now, I’ll close this as it is not easily replicated.

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