• j


    I have uploaded the sidebar widget TWICE to make sure all the files were there. In a folder I named widget inside the plugin folder. There is nothing on my admin pannel to reflect it is even working. I activated it several times. There is no sidebar widget panel underneath the presentation I appreciate anyone to help please.

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  • Do you have a Widget ready theme?

    Thread Starter j


    I have the two themes it came with and I read the ” read me files” many times I am using the default which is compatible with the kubrick theme.

    here is the site wwww.jhershierra.com/wordpress


    You have WordPress 2.1.3

    did you get the zip for WordPress 2.1.x ?

    the zip for WordPress 2.0.x could be causing the problem.

    The WordPress Default and Classic themes are not widget compatible at 2.1.3.

    When version 2.2 comes out this week, those themes will be widgetized.

    Thread Starter j


    Michael and Alphaphi thank you for your replies. I did read in the ‘ readme’ files that it had to be compatible with Kubrick so I went to my themes and read what they said and they said they were compatible with Kubrick.

    “”WordPress Default 1.6 by Michael Heilemann
    The default WordPress theme based on the famous Kubrick.””

    I got my copy of wordpress via fantasico from my C-panel at Bluehost. Normally they dont have upgrades for things for 6 months after everyone else. Also I tried using the upgrade for my moodle school and it screwed the entire school up and was a nitemare so I dont upgrade anymore.

    If this upgrade is something very simple I can do…like upload a file into a folder then perhaps I can do it, I tried upgrading by hand a message board once and it was too difficult so not sure I can do it. This theme however says it is compatible and the readme file for sidebar widgets says it will work as long as you are compatible. Could it be anything else?

    Thread Starter j


    I still do not know what to do to solve this problem. Can someone please advise?

    The WordPress Default 1.6 theme as delivered with 2.1.3 is not widget capable so you will need to either make the theme widget compatible yourself or find a theme that is widget compatible. Here’s a list of Widgetized Themes:

    If you want to use Widgets with the WordPress Default 1.6 theme, you may want to wait until version 2.2 comes out this week, as that theme is widgetized for that version.

    Thread Starter j


    I C Thank you I will look into the other themes then. Will I have to upload all the plugins again? I will also check back here for this new version you are talking about…I guess that is the software itself?

    Installing new blog software could be a lot more difficult than uploading a theme

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    The widgets plugin actually comes with widget compatible versions of the default and classic themes. But, you have to move those files in the default and classic folders into your themes/default and themes/classic folders. They won’t work if they’re in the plugins folders.

    Thread Starter j


    Otto Hi Thanks for the suggestion, but I already found another theme that was widget compatible following the previous suggestions.

    NOW tho I am trying to upload a photo to the main page. I can do this with the current theme. I have looked thru all the plugins and all of them have these big ‘ galleries” of photos plugins. All I want to do is add one or two photos on the MAIN page that wont move.

    Does anyone have a suggestion how to do this? The ‘ page and post” puts them behind a category. Thanks




    Hi guys,

    I’m also using a theme that wasn’t widget-friendly but I changed it myself. Now I have a sidebar and a ‘widget’ tab in my admin panel.
    The trick is to create a ‘dynamic sidebar’ by adding a functions.php file to your new theme directory using whatever file transfer software you have.

    Step 1: (skip if your theme already has a function.php file) To do this, I found another theme that came with the functions.php file, copied it, and uploaded it to MY theme’s directory.

    Step 2: Replace sidebar.php coding (from the wp.org admin panel) to (copy and paste exactly as-is):

    <ul id=”sidebar”>
    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’)
    || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    <li id=”about”>
    <p>This is my blog.</p>

    <li id=”links”>

    <?php endif; ?>

    This makes your side a ‘dynamic sidebar’ so you can now use widgets.

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