• Resolved Andrew


    Is it possible to make a proper paragraph <p>....</p> after centering an image in the tinymce editor without having to go back to it after saving it? You can for all other alignments but not the align-center, unless you press enter twice, save it, then go back to it to remove the first paragraph as pressing the enter once doesn’t create a proper paragraph. Over at wordpress.com, their classic editor does the same thing, but there new editor makes a proper paragraph when you press enter once after a centered image.

    I would like to encourage WordPress.com to make the tinymce editor behave the same way as their new editor when adding a paragraph after a centered image in a later release but they may have a reason to set it that way. Nevertheless, for my multisite, I prefer it this way for a few reasons. Does anyone know a code snippet to make the tiny mce editor behave like this?

    If you don’t understand, check out over at wordpress.com and look how their classic editor behaves compared to their new one when pressing the enter button just after you centered an image. The new one adds <p></p> and there is also a look of a paragraph in the editor, the classic one doesn’t add <p>…</p> and it doesn’t look like there is a paragraph in the editor between the centred image and the next line – but ends up using whatever the align-center { margin-bottom: value; } is set to for the the frontend.

    Thanks in advance.

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