• Resolved jglefler



    Cool Video Gallery worked great for a couple years. Recently, however, I started getting a [Gallery not found] error on the post instead of the video thumbnails. I have tried re-posting the gallery shortcode in the post using both visual and text/html modes and the error still shows up instead of the videos.

    Any help would be appreciated.



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  • gertjan


    Same here! version 1.9 WP 4.1
    [cvg-gallery galleryid=’2′ mode=’showcase’ /]
    message [Gallery not found]

    [cvg-video videoId=’1′ width=’400′ height=’400′ mode=’playlist’ /]
    message [Video not found]

    same problem on different websites



    found a solution (workaround) in a similar topic in this forum by johnmarshan thnx

    [cvg-gallery galleryId=2 mode=’showcase’ /]
    works fine now without ‘ quotes for galleryID!

    Thread Starter jglefler


    Brilliant gertjan! Thank you.

    Hey Gertjan-

    Just want to clarify that you have upgraded to WP 4.1 and CVG is working (without the quotes for gallery ID of course)?

    The “gallery not found” issue came up with the last WP update and another user was able to find the remove quote solution (Praveen, plugin developer is awol.)

    Anyways, I have been hesitating to upgrade for fear of a worse break. It would be good to know that is working OK with 4.1

    Thanks in advance for the field test.



    Hi J.Brown,
    On my sites running WP 4.1 and CVG 1.9 it works fine without quotes.
    Oke it would be better if it is fixed by CVG specially if you have a lot of videos spreading around your site(s).

    I had the same issue and fixed it by removing the quotes too.

    Thanks for the post everyone!

    Hmm. I did the above: [cvg-gallery galleryId=1 mode=’showcase’ limit=’8′ /]

    Now on the front end I get: [cvg-gallery galleryId=1 mode=’showcase’ limit=’8′ /] instead of Gallery not found.


    What am I missing?


    I should add that in admin there is this

    Notice: Use of undefined constant SB_LOADER – assumed ‘SB_LOADER’ in D:\Inetpub\DomainID205366\NewSite\wp-content\plugins\custom-css-manager-plugin\custom-css-manager-plugin.php on line 415.

    Usisng the quotes I can see the thumbs but I click on them and wont show the videos =(

    I was abble to see the videos using the shortocode
    [cvg-gallery galleryId=1 mode=playlist /]

    to make it responsive I used this code in the style

    #mediaplayer_gallery_1_wrapper {
    width: 100%;
    and I left blank the width in the settings of video gallery in the admin section
    so my problem was resolved, great plugin!

    Here’s the quick fix until new version is released (so you don’t have to edit all your posts…)

    Edit file cool-video-gallery.php in text editor (Notepad++ is advisable).

    Then locate this:

    function CVGVideo_Gallery($matches){
    	global $post, $wpdb;
    	$output = '';
    	preg_match_all('/([\.\w]*)=(.*?) /i', $matches[1], $attributes);
    	$arguments = array();
    	$arguments = CoolVideoGallery::splitargs($matches[1]);

    And after that last line just add the following line:

    foreach ($arguments as $k=>$a) $arguments[$k] = str_replace(array("'", '’','′'), '', $a);

    NOTE: The above code is not parsed well, so visit this pastebin and take the code from there!!!

    That should do the trick until a fixed version of this plugin is released.

    I added the code and the gallery shortcode is working again. However, a newly added video, when clicked, shows the Video Not Found error.

    Hope the update comes soon! I hate messing with code. ??

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