• Hello all,

    I am experiencing some difficulties since few days with my domain and I have uploaded screenshots of the errors with their details above them in my post here.

    Find the screenshot below the message.

    1. I am not able to customize the theme of my wordpress acc, whenever I open this customize option window it says session expired and even after I login back again it automatically expires again and again…

    Screenshot of the issue – https://prntscr.com/5hyj43

    2. The postviews and other details such as the upload time of the post on my site are getting stuck and they update only after I add some new content, but then the new post gets stuck and it shows 1 min ago even after many hours…

    Screenshot of the issue – https://prntscr.com/5hyjq0

    Note- all these issues started around 14th of december and I had received a lot of spam site lock out mails in my gmail inbox that day from random ips which tells me that someone did attack my site intentionally…also wordpress version update happened around that time….

    I have my doubts on these two aspects being the faulty for the problems that I am facing.

    Thanks and regards,

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