The problem is with the function getNextQuestion1 whose variables have a wrong initialization it only works in Firefox but not in Chrome and IE. So change function variable from getNextQuestion1(priority=0,user_id=0) and let the function look like below; Please reply if it works.
function getNextQuestion1(priority,user_id){
priority || (priority = 0);
user_id || (user_id = 0);
jQuery(‘#wsp_container_1 #question_container’).hide();
jQuery(‘#wsp_container_1 #wsp_wait’).show();
var data = {
‘action’: ‘getNextQuestion’,
‘survey_id’: 1,
‘priority’ : priority,
‘user_id’ : user_id
};, data, function(response) {
jQuery(‘#wsp_container_1 #wsp_wait’).hide();
jQuery(‘#wsp_container_1 #question_container’).html(response);
jQuery(‘#wsp_container_1 #question_container’).show();