• Hi There,

    I have unusual text and links appearing under all my new posts.

    I am not sure where this is or how come its happenening.
    Has this happended to anyone else.
    Is someone able to direct me where I need to remove it from.

    Here is an example


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  • Specifically, what is it, that you are talking about?

    The lorum ipsum stuff? The links under the lorum ipsum stuff?

    Or both?

    Are there 2 posts on your front page, or one?

    I cant tell.

    It would help immensely if I could see 2 posts on your front page, to see that whatever it is you’re talking about is, in fact, displaying underneath all posts (on your front page).

    I do not see that when i look a your monthly pages >> https://gurucreations.com/news/?m=200704

    Where did you get the theme you are using?

    I think those are links that are a result of using a *cough*sponsored*cough* theme.

    Indeed, the theme is here:


    and VERY plainly inside single.php is the following:

    <div class="right_left">
    <h2>WHAT's NEW?</h2>
    <a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a>, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis <a href="#">nostrud exerci tation</a>.
    <div class="right_right">
    <h2>Important links</h2>
    <a href="https://snews.solucija.com/">sNews</a> <img src="images/arrow.gif" alt="" /> Single file CMS
    <a href="https://www.solucija.com/">Solucija</a> <img src="images/arrow.gif" alt="" /> Information Architecture, CSS
    <a href="https://www.360webdesign.co.uk/">360 Web Design</a> <img src="images/arrow.gif" alt="" /> Accessible Web Design

    sponsored theme

    Thread Starter wendu


    So Do I have to leave all that there because its a sponsored them?

    Is that what you are saying?

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