Hi Patric,
Let me first try to see what problems are you having:
1. Regarding emailing – Which emails? Are you talking about send private message or automated emails that plugin sends? Could you please specify what problem are you having?
2. Regarding comments – I suppose its comments tab inside dedicated auction page. I’ve seen few themes posing problem with it as themes have their own comment system and my plugin also tries to embed its own thus conflicting. I had resolved them earlier and have found that it mostly needs to be looked into as case by case basis.
You can write to me nitesh[at]auctionplugin.net for resolving and following it up further.
As far as problems with PRO, you can demo them here: https://demo.auctionplugin.net
Problems occurs with all software but with time it should mature and same is the case with PRO and most importantly, there should be dedicated support team which can handle and resolve them swiftly which is obviously the case with PRO.
So please try it and we are there to help you in-case of any queries and issues.