• I have a customized theme on Serenity Child Genesis but while I have my logo up I can’t seem to find a place to put a tag line.Also, for some reason the typeface is WHITE and I can’t figure out how to make the font black or better yet, a very dark TEAL which would go better with my theme, so people can actually see the words better.

    I don’t know how much of my template you’d need to see…I have just included some of it.

    Theme Name: Serenity Child Theme
    Theme URI: https://www.studiopress.com/themes/serenity
    Description: Serenity is a 2 or 3-column Widget-ready child theme created for the Genesis Framework.
    Author: StudioPress
    Author URI: https://www.studiopress.com/

    Version: 1.0.2

    Template: genesis
    Template Version: 1.6.1

    License: GNU General Public License v2.0
    License URI: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php

    body {
    background: #59CFF4 url(images/bg.png) repeat-x;
    color: #333333;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Verdana;
    margin: 0 auto 0;
    padding: 0;
    line-height: 20px;

    /***** Hyperlinks ********************/

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    border: none;

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    /***** Wrap ********************/

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    /***** Header ********************/

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    /***** Image Header – Partial Width ********************/

    .header-image #header #title-area {
    background: url(images/logo.png) left top no-repeat;

    .header-image #title-area, .header-image #title-area #title, .header-image #title-area #title a {
    display: block;
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    width: 385px;
    height: 160px;
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    padding: 0;
    text-indent: -9999px;
    overflow: hidden;

    .header-image #title-area #description {
    display: block;
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    height: 0;
    overflow: hidden;

    /***** Image Header – Full Width ********************/

    .header-full-width #title-area, .header-full-width #title-area #title, .header-full-width #title-area #title a {
    width: 940px;

    /***** Header Right Navigation ********************/

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    position: relative;

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    left: -999em;

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    /***** Nav Menu ********************/

    #nav {
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    #nav li {
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    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

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