In this case you only should define a new attribute in the map’s creation, to prevent dragging the map. Please, follow the steps below:
1. Open the cpm.js file, located in “/wp-content/plugins/codepeople-post-map/js/cpm.js”, with the text editor your choice.
2. Go to the snippet of code:
me.map = new google.maps.Map($(‘#’+me.id)[0], {
zoom: me.data.zoom,
center: m[c].latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId[me.data.type],
// Show / Hide controls
panControl: me.data.zoompancontrol,
scaleControl: me.data.scalecontrol,
zoomControl: me.data.zoompancontrol,
mapTypeControl: me.data.typecontrol,
streetViewControl: me.data.streetviewcontrol,
scrollwheel: me.data.mousewheel
and modify it like follow:
me.map = new google.maps.Map($(‘#’+me.id)[0], {
zoom: me.data.zoom,
center: m[c].latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId[me.data.type],
draggable: false,
// Show / Hide controls
panControl: me.data.zoompancontrol,
scaleControl: me.data.scalecontrol,
zoomControl: me.data.zoompancontrol,
mapTypeControl: me.data.typecontrol,
streetViewControl: me.data.streetviewcontrol,
scrollwheel: me.data.mousewheel
Note: Pay attention, I’ve only inserted the line of code: draggable:false,
3. Finally, clear your browser’s cache, and try again.
That’s all.
Best regards.