Calendar widget not displaying events on proper day on other pages
On my website,, whenever I use a Google Calendar widget (list view) on any other page, besides my homepage, the events are shown under the wrong date.
For example, if I have a ‘Committee Meeting’ on Tuesday, it shows up properly on my homepage widget, or on my dedicated calendar page. But if I try to include a list calendar widget on a different page, it will display as being on Wednesday.
Have you ever heard of users experiencing this problem before? Any solutions. For the time being, I have disabled any calendar widgets on other pages.
Dave B.
You can insert a text box in the sidebar, and use the normal shortcode there instead of the widget version. That might give you finer control.
yep, i’ve tried it both ways – using the included Google Calendar widget, and also using a text widget, including the shortcode. Both produce the error described above.
Could you make a test page that’s not included in the site menu, to show the strange results, and send a link? Also, could you post your feed settings?
Thanks for your help!
Here is my main site, where the Calendar list is working fine towards the bottom of the page:
However, on a different page (in this case, a dummy ‘Test’ page, but any other page has this problem), the events in the list have the wrong times: In this case, ‘Sunday School’, which should be 9:30am, is shown as 3:30pm. I included both the text, and stock GC Events widget on this test page, and both have the same error.
Here are my settings for the feed which powers all of the above widgets:
Expand Recurring Events? Y
Date Format: l, F j, Y
Cache Duration: 43200
Display Mode: Grouped List
Number of Events per Page: 6
Display Start Date Offset: O days
Minimum Feed Start Date: 1 month back
Maximum Feed End Date: 2 years forwardThe formatting is as follows:
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event"> <div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event"><strong>[event-title]</strong></div> [if-multi-day]<div>[start-date] - [end-date]</div>[/if-multi-day] [if-single-day]<div>[if-not-all-day][start-time] - [end-time][/if-not-all-day]</div>[/if-single-day] [if-description]<div>Description: [description]</div>[/if-description] [if-location]<div>Location: [location]</div>[/if-location] [if-location]<div>[maps-link newwindow="true"]Click for map...[/maps-link]</div>[/if-location] </div>
Thanks. I want to play with my own test page and see if I can reproduce your results.
A few preliminary thoughts –
– Could you show us what’s different about what you’re doing on the live home page that makes that one come out okay? What is it about that one that isn’t quite what you’re after?
– I noticed quite a lot of divs. Could you see if there are some that aren’t needed?
– I wonder if the double if-clause is confusing the plugin ( [if-single-day] [if-not-all-day] ). Is there a way you could fudge how you define the events in the calendar that would eliminate the need for the double if?
I’m not sure if any of that is relevant. I’ll post again after I try using your formatting code on my own test page.
Unrelated comment: If you’re comfortable with CSS, you could use CSS styling instead of to get your event titles to come out bold. I use Firebug, Firefox 30, and the My Custom CSS plugin for this. obviously works here, but CSS would give you more control over appearance, for example, I didn’t like the extra indentation the event titles were getting, so I changed that with CSS:
.gce-list-event, .gce-tooltip-event { padding: 0; }
But this might be better as a project for a later time.
That last paragraph didn’t come out right. Let me try again.
Unrelated comment: If you’re comfortable with CSS, you could use CSS styling instead of to get your event titles to come out bold. I use Firebug, Firefox 30, and the My Custom CSS plugin for this. Obviously
works here, but CSS would give you more control over appearance. For example, I didn’t like the extra indentation the event titles were getting, so I changed that with CSS:
.gce-list-event, .gce-tooltip-event { padding: 0; }
But this might be better as a project for a later time.
On my home page, I use a text widget, with the following code:
[gcal id="8304"] <em><a href="/calendar" title="Our Calendar">Click here for more events...</a></em>
I like using the text widget instead of the included Google Calendar widget, because it gives me the option to include the line ‘Click here for more events’.
I am not sure why the times on the home page widget are correct, and the calendar/text widgets on other pages display the time as a few hours off.
On other pages (like my ‘Test Page’), I included both a text widget with the same code as above, and also the default Google Calendar widget, using the same feed #. Both of those displayed events with the wrong time, even though they were drawn from the same feed.
I am not familiar with css, so I’m not sure that I’d be able to alter that.
I need the double-if clauses, for this reason –
If an event is a single-day event, and lasts all day, I don’t want it to display hours (otherwise, by default, I think it will display 12:00, which isn’t accurate). If an event is a single-day, and it DOESN’T last all day, I DO want to display the hours.If an event lasts multiple days, I would love to display the start and end times ONLY IF they don’t last all day. If the event does last all day, and is multi-day, I’d like to display only the start and end dates, but not the times.
That’s what I’m ‘attempting’ to display…
However, I wasnt’ sure how to code the multi-day possibilities, so I only included this code instead, and just left out the hours for multi-day events entirely:
[if-multi-day]<div>[start-date] - [end-date]</div>[/if-multi-day]
If there is a way to code the more complicated multi-day scenario that I’ve described above, I’ve love to get your input.
DaveI tried putting in your feed settings and formatting code in my test page, but I didn’t lose the correct start times. Can you show us what you have under your calendar settings -> Your current time zone
WordPress general settings -> Timezone?Are you pulling from different calendars on the two pages (live vs. test)?
If you give me the Calendar addresses (IDs) I could try them on my test page to see if I can get the same results you’re getting.
I re-read your first post just now. I see now that your home page and your other pages show different results, and that the only difference is whether it’s a home page or an inner page — you’re pulling from the same calendar and the same calendar feed, with the same shortcodes. That is weird! I don’t think I have that problem. Could it have something to do with your theme? I’m curious what would happen if you activated a different them temporarily?
Does it work if you use a default theme and disable other plugins?
Also be sure to check your timezone settings in your WordPress admin (General Settings), if you haven’t done so already.
I would really rather not switch themes and disable all plugins at this point. I did that once and it really messed me up. When I re-activated my theme (“Resurrect” by, and all of my plugins, it took me quite some to reconfigure everything. My widget settings for each page were reset, and other things had to be re-done, so I’d rather not resort to that, if possible.
(Also, I checked to make sure – My timezone is set to ‘New York’. Our church is in Lebanon, PA, so that is the correct time zone)
Thank you for your help, by the way!
Hi Dave,
A WordPress site should normally return to the same state when re-activating a theme and plugins that were previously deactivated. You could make a full backup of your site beforehand to play it safe.
I suppose you could wait a week or two and hope that the next update solves your problem.
If you want to be doing something, maybe you could set up a test installation (which you could do on your own machine with something like XAMPP). You could start out with a carbon copy of your live site, and then try switching themes, to see what happens.
Maybe that would yield helpful information for the developers.
But like I said, you could also just wait….
I have been using the ‘Simple Page Sidebars’ plugin ( to create additional custom sidebars. That could be why some of them reset to 0 widgets after I switch themes.
I have an awful lot of plugins – 1/3 of which are disabled at the moment. Is there a way for WordPress to remember what plugins I have enabled right now, before I disable them all? Or must I manually remember which ones should be enabled, and which ones shouldn’t, when I restore everything?
@aparente001, this problem has appeared off and on throughout the past year, so I’m not sure if the next update will correct it or not, but I suppose anything is possible.
Thanks again for your continued help. I will wait to see if any of you have a suggestion for how to remember which plugins are enabled or disabled. That would certainly help the process of disabling and re-enabling everything. But if not, I will proceed in the next few days (disable everything, switch themes, etc.) and see if that helps.
With appreciation! – Dave
Have you ever noticed, when you de-activate a plugin, it gets listed in a new category of plugin that appears, called “recently active”? I don’t think this gets reset too quickly for your purposes, but I can’t swear I’m right about that.
You could take some screenshots of your active plugins list.
You could back up your site and then restore it from the back-up after testing.
But I still think that if you want to do some testing, the best way would be to make a new installation. You could do this on your local machine or you could do this in a subdirectory of your domain. Start out with some simple theme. I’m using twentytwelve and it’s not causing problems with GCE. Then re-create what you’ve done with GCE. Verify that your GCE results look good. Then change the theme to the specialized one your site uses. If your GCE results still look good, then try installing the plugins. A quick way of bulk-installing all your plugins would be to use FTP to copy the entire plugins directory to your testing environment wordpress installation.
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