Hello there,
sorry for the huge and unforgivable delay and lack of support. I’ll do my best to change this in 2015.
If you want to change the templates you can do that within your theme:
Can I style my own pages? (Version 1.0.2)
Yes you can. As written in the ‘Installation’-tab you only have to copy (donot move, just to be sure to have a backup) the templates from /wp-content/plugins/user-frontend/templates/
to wp-content/themes/your-theme/
. After that edit it wisely.
Can I style my own pages? (Version 1.0.3 – upcoming)
Yes you can. As written in the ‘Installation’-tab you only have to copy (donot move, just to be sure to have a backup) the templates from /wp-content/plugins/user-frontend/templates/
to wp-content/themes/your-theme/user-frontend/
. After that edit it wisely.
With this in mind, you are able to add this action to the register form. Just edit the file user-register.php and you can add your actions there.
Best regards,