• Hello wordpressers.
    this is my first post here since I started yesterday with my first web site in wordpress.

    I am looking on making a simple web page for announcing my public singing concerts that would not look like a blog but as a normal web page.

    1. I am trying to remove the date of the posts I make on my page since these might confuse some with the date of the event. I have found
    some stylesheets on the google to apply but they did not work. I am not sure if for this kind of feature one has to pay or is it still for free.

    2. Since I would be only announcing my public performances it would be nice if I can have a small widget at the right of at the left that would only show the title of the event as a link, that it would get you to the event description

    3. Is it possible to customize font size in a title. One of my events is fully booked and thus I added the work booked at the end. I wish I could change the font size of the booked to be somehow smaller than the other words of the title. Is this possible too?

    I would like to thank you in advance for your reply


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  • Hay,

    First off, alway include a link to the actual site.. it makes it a lot easier to see what your talking about.

    1. ?? depends where your hosting your site? wordpress.com charges you an annual fee to include custom css, if the site is ‘self hosted’ you should have complete access to the theme files and you can change whatever including stylesheets.
    – However CSS needs to be specific to the html its targeting so just pasting code from google without understanding it will never work.

    2. Sure you should be able to add a widget that only shows posts from a specific category, if the widget doesn’t let you turn off the description you can hide it with css.

    3. Yes – again you can use CSS to change the size of text, However the way stylesheets work they effect every element with the same combination of tag,id and class you used in the css directive, depending on your theme every title on the page will have the same tag,class and possibly id, so targeting a specific title containing the work booked, isn’t something its designed to do. You need to figure a more obvious/technical way of letting the theme know it needs to do something different in displaying that particular title.

    Something like a

    1. custom field, booked = true, which the theme can look up
    2. i.e. if booked then = add a specific custom class booked, to the title
    3. which your custom css can pick out and effect

    something like

    font-size: 80%;

    but all of this is advanced theme customisation, you’d have to have a understanding of the underling html, css and how to used php to access custom _post _meta and use logic statements like <php? if(){ .... } ?>

    it wouldn’t be for the faint hearted.

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