Hey! I’m new here, and I realize your post was 3 months ago. But I just found this theme and I’m beginning to love it.
I’ve found those asterisks that follow every posts and can advise how to get rid of them:
- Open up your wp-content folder and dive down to
and open up the file master.css
in your plain-text editor.
- Next, my line numbers might be a bit off because I’ve modified some things in here, but around LINE 1131 you should see “Content (Pages & Posts).” The second code block down (line 1137 for me) should be the selector “article:after.” This is the line that injects the asterisks you’re wanting to get rid of.
- Finally, edit these documents as you like. Make sure and back up this file (i.e. before you edit is, save this file to the same location but name it master_backup.css or the like). To get rid of the asterisks totally, you can delete the whole code block, or what I did was just comment it out, so if you can always see what it is you took out.
- Keep in mind this will affect the spacing between articles, so pay attention to that and make your edits here to control that spacing.
Anyways, it found you 3 months late, but for what it’s worth, there’s your answer. Let me know if it helped or if you have anything else I might be able to help you with. I’m getting pretty deep into this theme.