• Resolved sethererm


    There were just a few ticks that were bugging me about this plugin, so I went in and got the functionality to perform like I wanted.

    When on the list of sites location, there is the hyperlink Copy. Whenever I clicked on it, it didn’t update the dropdown menu with the site I wanted to copy, but would leave it as the top most domain.

    I updated the code in blog-copier.php on line 102
    $from_blog_id = ( isset( $_POST['source_blog'] ) ) ? (int) $_POST['source_blog'] : -1;
    to be as follows:

    if ( isset( $_POST['source_blog'] ) ) {
    	$from_blog_id = (int) $_POST['source_blog'];
    } elseif ( isset( $_GET['blog'] ) ) {
    	$from_blog_id = (int) $_GET['blog'];
    } else {
    	$from_blog_id = -1;

    That solved that quirk.

    The other issue I had is when I would copy the site, and click on the hyperlink of the site that was generated, it would take me to the parent based blog, which I didn’t like.

    I updated line 252 from:
    $msg = sprintf(__( 'Copied: %s in %s seconds', $this->_domain ),'<a href="https://'.$newdomain.'" target="_blank">'.$title.'</a>', number_format_i18n(timer_stop()));
    to be:
    $msg = sprintf(__( 'Copied: %s in %s seconds', $this->_domain ),'<a href="https://'.$newdomain.$path.'" target="_blank">'.$title.'</a>', number_format_i18n(timer_stop()));

    Which took care of that issue. Hopefully this will help someone else fix that problem if they are annoyed by it.

    Have a great day!


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