• ResolvedTheme Author Mizue Imai (Mignon Style)


    You please do the following to display the social links.

    === Social Link menu ===
    Social link menu is displayed on header, footer and sidebar.

    The position to display is set up
    Appearance > “Chocolat Settings” page > “Links Setting” tab > Position to display

    How to use:
    1. Click Appearance > Menus > “Edit Menus” tab
    URL: url of the social link
    Link Text: name of the social link
    2. Click “Add to Menu” button.

    A corresponding social link:
    twitter, facebook, google-plus, tumblr, pinterest, instagram,
    linkedin, flickr, dribbble, youtube, vimeo, github

    Please look at the readme.txt.
    Thank you.

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