• Can you provide me with a patch, so that the original icc profiles are preserved? I tried it myself, but it doesn’t work out.
    iptc is no problem, but icc doesn’t show up.

    // Resize file using PHP Imagick class
    function ime_im_php_resize( $old_file, $new_file, $width, $height, $crop, $resize_mode = 'quality' ) {
    $im = new Imagick( $old_file );
    if ( ! $im->valid() )
    return false;

    try {
    $iptc = $im->getImageProfile('iptc');
    $icc = $im->getImageProfile('icc');
    $quality = ime_get_quality( $resize_mode );
    if ( is_numeric( $quality ) && $quality >= 0 && $quality <= 100 && ime_im_filename_is_jpg( $new_file ) ) {
    $im->setImageCompression( Imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG );
    $im->setImageCompressionQuality( $quality );
    if ( method_exists( $im, 'setImageOpacity' ) )
    $im->setImageOpacity( 1.0 );

    if ( $resize_mode == 'size' )

    if ( $crop ) {
    * Unfortunately we cannot use the PHP module
    * cropThumbnailImage() function as it strips profile data.
    * Crop an area proportional to target $width and $height and
    * fall through to scaleImage() below.

    $geo = $im->getImageGeometry();
    $orig_width = $geo[ 'width' ];
    $orig_height = $geo[ 'height' ];

    if( ( $orig_width / $width ) < ( $orig_height / $height ) ) {
    $crop_width = $orig_width;
    $crop_height = ceil( ( $height * $orig_width ) / $width );
    $off_x = 0;
    $off_y = ceil( ( $orig_height - $crop_height ) / 2 );
    } else {
    $crop_width = ceil( ( $width * $orig_height ) / $height );
    $crop_height = $orig_height;
    $off_x = ceil( ( $orig_width - $crop_width ) / 2 );
    $off_y = 0;
    $im->cropImage( $crop_width, $crop_height, $off_x, $off_y );

    $im->scaleImage( $width, $height, true );

    $im->setImagePage( $width, $height, 0, 0 ); // to make sure canvas is correct
    $im->setImageProfile('iptc', "$iptc");
    $im->setImageProfile('icc', "$icc");
    $im->writeImage( $new_file );

    return file_exists( $new_file );
    } catch ( ImagickException $ie ) {
    return false;

    I also tried to patch the command line way, same result. ICC is striped out….

    Thank you.


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  • Thread Starter gabrielwolf


    I got no answer from the core forums aswell. Is icc profiles not interesting for anybody? All the new browsers support it, but the webdesign comunity is not interestet?

    Anyone here?

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