I tried to do an example page and I’ve used these codes:
<img class=”ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem” src=”https://www.***.com/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id–2988″ alt=”” />
[ngg_images gallery_ids=”55″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″]
With the first one, from the gallery, the images open inside the website; with the second the images open in another window. But if I check “Yes” in the “effect imagebrowser”, then the second too open the images inside the website.
You can see it here.
The thing is that in this page it’s used the first kind of code (between the ones I’ve posted above), but the images open in another window. The code used in this page is this:
<img class=”ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem” src=”https://www.****.com/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id–2964″ alt=”” />
As you can see the lightbox effect works for the single images that are in page, not for the ones of the gallery in the same page.
As I can understand this is the code generated by the button in the editor, while the other (the second I’ve posted above) I took it from your website “tutorial”.
I didn’t changed anything since time, I just updated the plugin, but this problem didn’t show up at that time.