It seems I need to work out a better way to include the images, using content:encoded, as of right now the plugin just includes it as HTML in the description, but this isn’t really valid RSS:
<description><![CDATA[<img width="199" height="223" src="" class="attachment-medium-thumb wp-post-image" alt="Launch Your Inner Radar, by Maxine Jones" style="float: right; margin-left: 5px;" /><p><a rel="nofollow" href="">Heather Harper</a></p>
<p>Have you ever thought how nice it would be if you were tuned-in and "on" from the moment you woke up? Really in the zone and operating from that place throughout the day. Most days, I'm lucky if I can make it there for 5 minutes. Multi-tasker extraordinaire seems like a badge of honor nowadays. […]</p>
Read this for more info:
I’ll see if I can update the plugin to improve how it’s embedding the images, perhaps make it an option to use content:encoded instead so it doesn’t break other existing implementations that are working fine.