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  • I have the same problem. On the packing note it’s displayed as “€0.2935”.

    €0.29 (price) and 35 (quantity) should be separate.

    normally all columns are aligned to the left. do you use any custom styling? you need to edit it if you do so. otherwise could you please post a screenshot? thanks

    I don’t know what changed but the numbers are now seperate, so that’s good. Thank you very much for your reply.

    I’m seeing the exact same problem, screenshot below (taken by my client):

    I do have lots of custom styling on the site for a custom theme and Woocommerce install. What are the fields for the price and quantity in the printed invoice? What would I have to change to make sure it doesn’t run on like that?

    EDIT: I just tried printing on my end (as a PDF) and all the columns appear to be separated nicely. Was there an update that went out today? Perhaps a conflict with another plugin? I don’t want to make any changes if the issue seems to have resolved itself, but it would be good to know what to look out for.

    We’re having the same result on a customer’s site. On his computer it’s printing as above, the qty and price bunched together but if I view on my computer it displays normally. Both using most up-to-date version of Chrome.

    I should also add that my client prints in Portrait mode, if that helps. All printed invoices/orders have the price and quantity running together like in my screenshot above.

    Yep, I have the same problem too. Is there a solution yet?

    Same problem with my clients invoices. I also noted that up until today the individual price was not printed, just the quantity and total, now it has added the extra price field and it is bunched up with quantity.
    Any help appreciated.

    Downloaded the latest update that was documented to fix the Price and Quantity columns from running into each other but I’m still having that issue when printing out delivery notes

    Just loaded the latest update, but it still did not fix it.
    Had a quick look at it myself and just changed the quantity around to be before the unit price in the print-content.php and it works perfectly.
    I can share the updated file if anyone wants it.

    @chunk69 which browser and version do you use? What is the paper format you use to print?

    I am using Google Chrome Version 39.0.2171.65 m.
    WordPress version 4.0.1–en
    WooCommerce Print Invoice & Delivery Note Version 4.0.2
    Printing in portrait on A4 paper size.
    Hope this helps, let me know if you need any more info.

    I too am having same issues, cannot get the quantity to separate from price, consequently it is making the prices look incorrect

    safari, opera and firefox on Mac OSx

    using A4 paper size

    2.2.8 woocommerce

    version 4 wordpress

    prior to the update of this wonderful plugin it was OK


    how I temporally fixed it

    look for this line in print-content.php

    <td class=”product-quantity”>
    <span><?php echo apply_filters( ‘wcdn_order_item_quantity’, $item[‘qty’], $item ); ?></span>

    then add a space just before ‘qty’

    that fixed it

    i am curious why payment method is mentioned twice on the final printed page, it is fine at the top with invoice number rather than adding another line to print below the totals


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