Everything points to my web site
Every link on my wordpress points back to my web site. How can I fix this?
Do you have a link to the blog?
On my website I have a link to my blog.
When people go to my blog, all links on my blog go back to my website.
I know there is something I am missing, I just don’t know what it is ??
My site is https://www.mikesaffiliates.net
The link to my blog is at the top left of page.you have both an index.html and an index.php file in your root directory…
by default browsers will choose the index.html file to show first, then if that file is not present it will show the index.php.
This isn’t good practice as most search engines penalize having two index files in any given directory.
if you don’t care about the search engines then set your wordpress address url in the options section of your admin panel… if you do care about search engines, then either put wp in it’s own directory or rename your current index.html to something else (which will have the effect of making your blog the home page.)
by default browsers will choose the index.html file to show first, then if that file is not present it will show the index.php.
Minor correction… By default, most *servers* will send the index.html in preference to the index.php file, if both are present. You can actually specify this in the server config or an .htaccess file.
The browser does not choose which file to get. The server chooses which file to send. A small, but critical, difference.
Ok, I guess I am still confused. I want people to go to my blog from my website. This they can do because there is a link on my site. Once on the blog I would like them to be able to navigate there and not be sent back to my site unless they close off the blog. When I click on links on my blog, everything goes back to my website not what is on the blog. I don’t want the blog to be my home page.
the easyway is to have your site and blog in different folders.
To have the index.html in root and the blog in root/wordpress/index.phpOk, I guess I am still confused.
Okay – your server is set to have “index.html” be the default page that’s found when coming to your site. So if someone types in “mikesaffiliates.com”, then “mikesaffiliates.com/index.html” is what comes up.
In your blog settings, you probably have set your Blog URL as “mikesaffiliates.com”. Which means that, when anything is appended (the ?p=123″ stuff at the end of the links) to the link, ti is appended to “index.html” – NOT index.php – which is where your blog is.
Try changing your blog URL to “mikesaffiliates.com/index.php” – not just “mikesaffiliates.com”
Ok, I have 3 folders
can I just move the index.php into one of these folders or should I create a new folder called wordpress? After I move the index.php to a new folder, do I just have to redo my link to my blog on my website?Ok, when I did set the Blog URL to that I could no longer access my blog at all. I had to reinstall the wordpress program. Geeeezzz I’m a pain ??
No, you should not have to reinstall the WP program. You only need to change the BLOG address – NOT the WordPress address.
Which one did you change? It sounds like you changed the WordPress address.
Did you already reinstall? there’s no reason to do that.
If you’re reinstalling WordPress, this would be a prime chance to go ahead and set it up in a different directory. Create a “/blog” directory (or some other such directory name) and install WP to THAT directory. Then the problem may go away.
He’s got a point there – if you are, it would be better for you to put it in a subdirectory to stop the confusion. ANd if you haven’t, then you’ve already messed it up enough that you could move it to a subdirectory – because the instructions I’m going to give you to fix it (if you didn’t reinstall) would allow you to do this anyway.
No I reinstalled yesterday when I tried to fix things without help. I probably did change the wordpress address. I am so new to this but I won’t give up ??
I will move the index.php into one of the wp- folders and then change the link to my blog on my web site. Is there a preffered folder to put the index.php in so it won’t cause more problems? Also I am not doing anything at the moment. I am waiting for instruction and when all seems clear I will follow directions. I Don’t like to just jump in ??moving the index.php file into another folder wont’ fix your problem as your current wp install is based upon that file being located where it’s currently located… installing wp in a subdirectory will solve your problems.
I will move the index.php into one of the wp- folders
No – you’ll screw up the site if you do that. It has to remain in the same directory as the wp-config, wp-content directories. You can’t just move it.
You need to move the *entire* installation into it’s own directory. Keep the directory tree as-is – just move the installation into another folder. ALL of it.
Then you have to get the thing pointing to the right spot.
If this is a brand-new installation, and no posts have been created, your easiest route would be to log into your database and delete all tables (don’t delete the database itself, just drop all the tables). Then FTP into your server and create a folder called “blog”, and move all the WP files into that folder. Then run your installation.
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