First, you need to reinstall WordPress.
If you want a fresh install, just delete all the WordPress files in your root directory and start over. (Make sure you have backups.)
Make sure you install it to the directory you want it to be in so you don’t have to move it to a different directory later.
If you finish installation successfully, you should have a working version of WordPress. If you have any problems at this point, you should fix them first before restoring anything.
At this point, make a backup of your database so if you have any problems later, you can revert to the database backup of a fresh install.
To restore your other files, just copy the old wp-content folder to the new wp-content folder. Unzip these files to the wp-content folder:
I don’t know what your contains so I don’t know where you should put that.
Check your site again, make sure nothing is broken. If anything is broken, trace your steps back and undo what you did.
If everything is still good, restore your database.
Take note that you have to restore from a working version of your database, not a corrupted one.
The database has a setting for the site directory so if you know your way around the database, you need to modify that to reflect your current directory (since you moved the directory in the file structure but did not update it in the database).
You can also just restore some of the tables, not all. (So, for example, just the tables that concern your posts and pages.)
If you get an error when you restore the database, you can restore your database backup of the fresh install so you don’t have to repeat everything from the beginning.
Let me know when you get to the database part and have more questions.