snippet constructor error
Hi Mikko,
impressive plugin, compliments! I’m facing right now a small issue with the plugin and I don’t know if I’m making an error air the plugin.
I’m using relevanssi on an – till now offline – site to search for terms on a page, terms that are loaded via shortcodes. This is working fantastically good! I’m using the fuzzy search for all searches and the list of results is working perfectly, only the snippets are making some troubles.
To give you an example, let us search for Panzanella (which is tasting really good by the way). Panzanella will give me the right snippet, exactly centered around the keyword. Panza will also work, but as soon as I’m looking for anzanella or nzanella … or ella, the result is shown but the snippet always start with the first words of the page, without having the keyword shown in the snippet displayed.
This is making me believe in a bug in the way the snippet is constructed. I do understand you don’t have a lot of time for all the questions, but if you point me in the direction of the file constructing the snippet, I would be glad to look first on my own for an eventual bug.
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