• I can′t display the captions and image as links.

    ‘images_as_links’ => true,
    ‘render_captions’ => true,

    The two values is setting to true.
    The controls and indicators works fine.
    I don′tknow how to exactly use ‘_conveyor_link’ and ‘_conveyor_open_new_window’

    I have to change something in the template.


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  • Plugin Author Matt Watson


    Hi there,

    Are you passing these in to the render as variables as in this example from the FAQ?

    $defaults = array(
        'featured'                  => false,                               // [ true | false ] - Set to true to return posts that have the featured post custom meta data set to true
        'featured_post_meta_key'    => '_conveyor_featured',                // The custom meta field that identifies the featured post, will also accept an array
        'id'                        => 'conveyor_carousel',                 // If you want to have multiple carousels, you will want to change the id each time
        'image_size'                => 'golden-ratio-1024',                 // [ thumbnail | medium | large | full | custom ] - the image size you wish to output
        'images_as_links'           => true,                                // [ true | false ] - Set to true to wrap images with links (if _conveyor_link set on post)
        'order'                     => 'ASC',                               // [ ASC | DESC ]
        'orderby'                   => 'date',                              // [ date | menu_order ]
        'posts_per_page'            => 5,                                   // Set number of posts to return, -1 will return all
        'post_type'                 => 'conveyor_slides',                   // [ post | page | custom post type | array() ]
        'render_captions'           => true,                                // [ true | false ] - Set to true to render captions when excerpt is not empty
        'render_controls'           => true,                                // [ true | false ] - Show the slide left right controls
        'render_indicators'         => true                                 // [ true | false ] - Show the slide indicators
    conveyor_render_bootstrap( $defaults );
    Thread Starter 3551


    Yes, the same parameters. I change ‘conveyor_slides’ in POST TYPE to ‘productos’.

    $defaults = array(
       'featured'                  => true,                               // [ true | false ] - Set to true to return posts that have the featured post custom meta data set to true
       'featured_post_meta_key'    => '_conveyor_featured',                // The custom meta field that identifies the featured post, will also accept an array
       'id'                        => 'conveyor_carousel',                 // If you want to have multiple carousels, you will want to change the id each time
       'image_size'                => 'full',                 // [ thumbnail | medium | large | full | custom ] - the image size you wish to output
       'images_as_links'           => true,                                // [ true | false ] - Set to true to wrap images with links (if _conveyor_link set on post)
       'order'                     => 'ASC',                               // [ ASC | DESC ]
       'orderby'                   => 'date',                              // [ date | menu_order ]
       'posts_per_page'            => -1,                                   // Set number of posts to return, -1 will return all
       'post_type'                 => 'productos',                   // [ post | page | custom post type | array() ]
       'render_captions'           => true,                                // [ true | false ] - Set to true to render captions when excerpt is not empty
       'render_controls'           => true,                                // [ true | false ] - Show the slide left right controls
       'render_indicators'         => true                                 // [ true | false ] - Show the slide indicators
             conveyor_render_bootstrap( $defaults );
    Thread Starter 3551


    I think the problem is that i don′t have the ‘excerpt’ in the custom post type. Now i added and it display, but with no link.

    Here′s the example. https://reyma.esy.es/prueba/

    The last slide has caption.

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