• emilyTK kindly hint me to that information:


    I have read it all. I understood a lot of details; but the basic concept of the box model and the differentiation between margins and paddings is still very unclear to me.

    I would like to know (to understand):

    • When seeing a given Webpage (WordPress-blog): How can I recognise, which content forms a content box for it’s own? And how can I recognise, what is the “name” of that content box? Or in other words: How can I recognise, what is the “name” of the object, whose properties I want to change?
    • Why (For what purpose) is it useful to say, that a content box has not only a margin, but a padding as well? What are – within our context – proper translations for both terms into German?
    • Has a border in deed an edge? Or is the border the edge of an certain area?


    UL {
            background: yellow;
            margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;
            padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
                                         /* No borders set */



    • Where – within the picture – can I “see” that 12px-margin and the 3px-padding? How the picture would look with a – let’s say – 0px-margin and a 3px-padding on the one hand; and with a 12px-margin and 0px-padding on the other hand? And what would be with margin and padding, both of 6px?

    Regarding the same picture and:

    LI {
            color: white;                /* text color is white */
            background: blue;            /* Content, padding will be blue */
            margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;
            padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; /* Note 0px padding right */
            list-style: none             /* no glyphs before a list item */
                                         /* No borders set */
    • I’m sure, that I’m able to identify the ’12px 0px 12px 12px’-padding within the picture. I guess, I’m also able to identify the 12px-margin. But I do not understand: For which purpose it is useful to say, that not only the LI-element has a margin, but the UL-element has margin and padding as well? -How the picture would look, using a 0px-margin and/or 0px-padding for the UL-element and a 24px-margin for the LI-element?
      And what would be the other way around: A 0px-margin for the LI-element and a 24px-margin or 15px-padding for the UL-element?

    The current partical background of the theoretical questions is that:


    I would like to change the ‘margins’ (???) or the ‘paddings’ (???) or both (???) of the two columns of my blog.

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  • When seeing a given Webpage (WordPress-blog): How can I recognise, which content forms a content box for it’s own? And how can I recognise, what is the “name” of that content box? Or in other words: How can I recognise, what is the “name” of the object, whose properties I want to change?

    I personally use a browser inspection tool like Firefox’s web developer add-on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/

    to get links to resources in German, try asking in https://forum.wpde.org/

    Stell Dir vor, Du m?chtest Geschenk verpacken. Dein Geschenk wird der content Deiner Paket-Box. Um Dein Geschenk zu schützen, wickelst Du es in Zeitungspapier. Das Zeitungspapier ist Dein padding. Dann packst Du Dein Geschenk in die Paket-Box. Die Pappe der Paket-Box ist Deine border.
    Beim Transport bist Du vorsichtig, dass keine anderen Gegenst?nde das Geschenk zerdrücken, also stellst Du die anderen Gegenst?nde aus dem Weg. Die Entfernung zwischen den anderen Gegenst?nden und Deinem Geschenk ist der margin.
    (Du siehst, dass die Menge Zeitungspapier-padding unabh?ngig ist vom margin, der Entfernung anderer Gegenst?nde zu Deinem Geschenk.)

    Imagine wrapping a gift. Your gift will be the content of your package-box. In order to keep your gift safe, you’re wrapping it into newspaper. The newspaper is your padding. You then put your gift into a package, which has cardboard (or gift wrap) borders.
    When transporting your present, you’re wary it’d not be crushed by other objects, so you’re putting those other objects away, giving your present a margin towards them.


    As for your question about borders: In CSS3, you can determine how your boxes size should be affected by the border. See this:


    Now the picture you linked to is about a concept that is called “collapsible margins”. And believe you me: You don’t want to go there, lol. I’m not sending you any links on this. I won’t be what’s causing your nightmares tonight. 8)

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    @ alchymyth:

    I guess ‘web developer’ is something similar as ‘Firebug’, what I already use, isn’t it?

    Sometimes I understand the information, which I get there; often I do not understand them.

    @ emilyTK:

    Thank you so much. The “gift-metaphor” I understand perfectly. ?? –

    And my practical problem I have resolved:


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Look at Chrome’s cool built-in live demonstration of the box model: https://snag.gy/WydXU.jpg (on the right)

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